| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
|232| [%s] Essential MV %s is not available([%s]必须的MV%s不可用)。| 必须的MV无效。当无效状态持续的时间超过Maximum Time Off Control(最大脱除控制时间)时,控制器将变为非活动状态。|
|233| [%s] Essential POV %s is not available([%s]必须的POV%s不可用)。| 必须的POV无效。当无效状态持续的时间超过Maximum Time Off Control(最大脱除控制时间)时,控制器将变为非活动状态。|
|251| [%s] INIT failed for DV %s and is not used([%s] DV%s的INIT失败且未使用)。| 由于控制器启动时DV被分配的位号名为BAD,因此其将从控制器中被删除。|
|252| [%s] INIT failed for POV %s and is not used([%s] POV%s的INIT失败且未使用)。| 由于控制器启动时POV被分配的位号测量值为BAD,因此其将从控制器中被删除。|
|253| [%s] INIT failed for MV %s and is not used([%s] MV%s的INIT失败且未使用)。| 由于控制器启动时MV被分配的位号测量值为BAD,因此其将从控制器中被删除。|
|261| [%s] has Ramp not stabilized at steady state(Ramp [%s] 在稳态时不稳定)。| 斜坡模型输出不稳定。检查斜坡模型。|
|262| [%s] has Ratio not summing to one at steady state([%s]在稳态时所有的比率加起来不为1)。 |在稳态时,比率MVs的和不为1。确认比率配置。|
|271| [%s] Observation failed for POV %s and is not used([%s] POV%s观察失败且未使用)。 |由于无法计算POV,因此将其从观察值中移除。|
|311| Infeasible ratio constraint. [%s] status forced to INACTIVE(不可行的比率约束。 [%s]状态强制为INACTIVE)。| 由于约束的存在,在稳态时,比率MVs的和不为1。控制器将变为INACTIVE模式。|
|312 |Infeasible ratio constraint. [%s] all MV/DV MEAS are disregarded(不可行的比率约束。[%s]所有的MV/DV MEAS将被忽略)。 |由于约束的存在,在稳态时,所有DVs和MVs的比率和不为1。控制器将删除所有的MVs和DVs。使用PCTP重新设计模型。|
|321 |No MV available. [%s] status forced to INACTIVE(没有MV可用。[%s]状态将强制为INACTIVE)。| 所有MVs将变为INACTIVE。然后子控制器也变为INACTIVE。|
|323 |[%s] status forced to STANDBY( [%s]的状态将强制为STANDBY)。 |所有子控制器变为INACTIVE。然后主控制器也切换到STANDBY模式。|
|326| Making Tag List of Exasmoc was completed(Exasmoc的位号列表已完成)。| 正确生成控制器的输入和输出位号列表。|
|350| Controller has wrong dimensions (控制器范围错误)。 |由于范围误差,控制器无法启动。通过PCTP重新创建控制器。|
|351| Mismatch program version (offline<>online)(不兼容的程序版本(离线<>在线)。| Exasmoc控制器和PCTP生成器的版本不对应。使用PCTP重新创建控制器。|
|352| Invalid Desired Status (期望状态无效)| 期望状态的值不从0到1,2,3进行积分。控制器无法启动。|
|361| [CALC] Incorrect dimensions for Calculation([CALC]计算的量度不正确)。 |定义的计算错误。重新创建计算。|
|362| [CALC] Invalid Calculation Desired Status([CALC]计算所需状态无效)。| 计算所需状态不正确。重新创建控制器。|
|378| Exasmoc KERNEL calculation is failed(Exasmoc KERNEL计算失败)。 | 在控制计算期间发生错误。联系产品支持。|
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
| 232 | [%s] Essential MV %s is not available| The essential MV is invalid.When the invalid status continues more that the Maximum Time Off Control, the controller becomes INACTIVE.|
| 233| [%s] Essential POV %s is not available| The essential POV is invalid. When the invalid status continues more that the Maximum Time Off Control, the controller becomes INACTIVE.|
| 251| [%s] INIT failed for DV %s and is not used | As the DV assigned tag name is BAD when the controller starts, it is removed from the controller.|
| 252| [%s] INIT failed for POV %s and is not used | As the POV measure assigned on the tag name is BAD when the controller starts, it is removed from the controller.|
| 253| [%s] INIT failed for MV %s and is not used | As the MV measurement assigned on the tag name is BAD when the controller starts, it is removed from the controller.|
| 261| [%s] has Ramp not stabilized at steady state| The ramp model output does not become steady. Check the ramp model.|
| 262| [%s] has Ratio not summing to one at steady state| The sum of Ratio MVs does not become 1 at the steady state. Confirm the ration settings.|
| 271 | [%s] Observation failed for POV %s and is not used | As the POV cannot be calculated, it is removed from the observation|
| 311 | Infeasible ratio constraint. [%s] status forced to INACTIVE | The sum of Ratio MVs does not become 1 at the steady state due to the constraints. The controller becomes INACTIVE mode.|
| 312 | Infeasible ratio constraint. [%s] all MV/DV MEAS are disregarded | The sum of Ratio of all MVs and DVs does not become 1 at the steady state due to the constraints. The controller removes all MVs and DVs. Re-design the model using PCTP.|
| 321| No MV available. [%s] status forced to INACTIVE| All MVs become INACTIVE.Then the sub-controller also becomes INACTIVE.|
| 323| [%s] status forced to STANDBY | All sub-controllers become INACTIVE. Then the main controller also become STANDBY mode.|
| 326| Making Tag List of Exasmoc was completed | Input and output tag list of the controller is correctly generated.|
| 350| Controller has wrong dimensions | The controller cannot start due to the dimension error. Re-create the controller by PCTP.|
| 351| Mismatch program version (offline<>online)| The version of Exasmoc controller and PCTP builder is not corresponding. Re-crate the controller using PCTP.|
| 352 | Invalid Desired Status | The value of Desired Status is not integrated from 0 to 1,2,3. The controller cannot start.|
| 361| [CALC] Incorrect dimensions for Calculation | The defined calculation is wrong. Re-create the calculation.|
| 362| [CALC] Invalid Calculation Desired Status | Calculation Desired Status is not proper. Re-create the controller.|
| 378 | Exasmoc KERNEL calculation is failed | The error occurred during the control calculation. Contact to the product support.|