Mitch Albom, Tuesdays with Morrie, 1999 Aphorisms There i...
I read a book called yesterday, al...
this part shows a big change of mitch. after gratuating,...
the seventh Tuesday talk about the fear of aging A woma...
( talk about love and money) last morning, a distressin...
Eventually, Morrie died with serenity. dramatically, h...
The fifth Tuesday we talk about family We all think ...
The sixth Tuesday talk about emotions i love This book,...
作者:Mitch Albom 这本书是作者(一位在世俗生活里如鱼得水的记者)和他尊敬的大学教授之间的故事。老教授在...
历时十天,2022年的第一本英文原著书。 这本书是在小红上被推荐,在zlibrary下载,在Gwen老师共读群里读...
本文标题:Tuesdays with Morrie(第一章)