Topic 1 notes for Amazon’s Empi

Topic 1 notes for Amazon’s Empi

作者: Shania92 | 来源:发表于2017-04-11 19:28 被阅读0次

    1.The former bookselleraccounts formore than half of every new dollar spent on line in U.S.

    accounts for:占比重,

    Eg.Coursework accounts for 40% of the final marks.



    2.Since the beginning of 2015, its share pricehas jumped by173%,seventimesquickerthanin the two previous years.(and12timesfasterthanthe S&P 500 Index)

    Jumpby:激增了..(jump :to rise suddenly by a large amount突升;猛涨;激增)

    Eg.Prices jumped by 60% last year.去年,物价暴涨了60%

    这句话的理解:自从2015年初开始,它的股票价格就激增了173%,这比过去两年(的增长)要快7倍。(同时也比S&P 500指数快12倍。)

    3.With a market capitalization ofsome 400bn, it isthe fifth most valuable firmin the world.

    With a market capitalization of:拥有......的市值

    Eg.The U.S. GDP is approximately $ 10 trillion, thus the market capitalization is 84 % of the GDP.


    4.Never before hasa companybeen worth so much for so long while making so little money:92% of its valueis due toprofits expected after 2020.

    is due to由于;起因于;

    Eg. The problem may be due to poor workmanship.问题可能在于工艺太差。


    5.Walmart already has revenuesnudging500bn andis beefing uponline.

    Nudge:to reach or make sth reach a particular level(使)达到,接近

    Eg.This afternoon's sunshine could nudge the temperature above freezing.今天下午的阳光可使温度达到冰点以上。

    bebeefing up:beef sth↔up

    (informal) to make sth bigger, better, more interesting, etc.使更大(或更好、更有意思等)

    Eg.Both sides are still beefing up their military strength.双方仍在增强各自的军事力量。


    6.Last year cash-flow (before investment) was $16bn, more thanquadruple the level five years ago.



    7.If it makes as much money as investors hope, a rough calculation suggests its earningscould be worth the equivalent of25% ofthecombinedprofitsoflisted Western retail and media firms.


    8.Ground for skepticism does not come much more fertile than this: Amazon will have to grow faster than almost any big company in modern history tojustify its valuation.

    Justify:to show that sb/sth is right or reasonable证明…正确(或正当、有理)

    Eg.How can they justify paying such huge salaries?他们怎能证明付这么大笔薪金是正当的呢?

    justify its valuation:证明它真正的价值


    9.In an era when executives routinelywhinge aboutpressure to produce short-term results, Amazon isresolutely focused onthedistant horizon.

    the executive:the part of a government responsible for putting laws into effect(政府的)行政部门

    whinge about:没完没了的抱怨

    Resolutely:having or showing great determination坚决的;有决心的


    10.Mr.Bezos emphasizes continual investment topropel its two principal businesses.

    propel its two principal businesses.:推动它的两项主要的商业

    Propel:to move, drive or push sth forward or in a particular direction推动;驱动;推进


    11.A thirdvirtuous circle is starting to whirl aroundAlexa, the firm’s voice-activated assistant:

    virtuous circle:良性循环


    12.So long as shareholdersretaintheir faith inthis model, Amazon’sheadyvaluationresembles aself-fulfilling prophecy.

    retain their faith in保持信念

    self-fulfilling prophecy本身会成为事实的预言;


    13.Theirfaith is sustained byAmazon’s record.

    is sustained by:是持续的

    Eg.Man's flight through life is sustained by the power of his knowledge.  生命航程是知识的能量支持的.


    14.It has had its failures—its attempt to make a smart-phone was adebacle.But thebusinessisstarting to crank out cash.


    crank out:to produce a lot of sth quickly, especially things of low quality大量地快速制造;(尤指)粗制滥造


    15.If Amazon’sapproach totime-frames is unusual,so too isthe sheerbreadth of its activities.


    16.Awingspan this largeis morereminiscent ofa conglomerate than a retailer, which makes Amazon’sshare price seem even more bloated: stockmarkets typically apply a“conglomerate discount”to reflect their in-efficiencies.

    多元化折让(conglomerate discount):对综合多元化的企业进行估值时,在每个业务单元的估值基础上加总,然后扣除一定比例,得出企业的合适估值。


    17.Seen through thislens, Amazon appearspristine.

    Pristine:fresh and clean, as if new崭新的;清新的


    18.Consumersapplaudit; it isthe most well-regarded companyin America, according to a Harris poll.

    the most well-regarded:备受关注的


    19.If itgets anywhere close tofulfilling them, it will attract the attention of regulators.

    Getclose to:接近

    Eg.His dog is very aggressive, so I never get close to it.他的狗有攻击性,所以我从来不接近它.


    20.Butasit grows,so willconcerns about its power.


    21.Investorsvalue Amazon’s growth over profits;that makespredatory pricingmore tempting.

    value Amazon’s growth over profits看中亚马逊的发展要大于利润收益

    predatory pricing掠夺性定价;为挤垮对手的大削价




        本文标题:Topic 1 notes for Amazon’s Empi
