
作者: 天在山中 | 来源:发表于2020-04-16 17:12 被阅读0次

 A  new study has found that antisocial people are more likely to have smaller areas of their brain.Researchers said criminals's brains had a different structure to the brains of people who followed the law.The study is published in the journal "Lancet Psychiatry".Researchers used data from 672 people born in 1972-73.They looked at records of the people's antisocial behaviour between the ages of seven and 26. At  the age of 45,the researchers scanned the people's brains.Eighty of the people had a history of criminal and antisocial behaviour from being early teenagers. Reseachers found that the areas of the brain linked to emotions ,motivation and behaviour control were smaller in the long -term criminals' brains  .Professor Tefrrie Moffitt,a coauthor of the research, said the researche could help doctors understand what is behind long -term antisocial behaviour.


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