Day 7, Page 61-70

Day 7, Page 61-70

作者: 辣辣小疯子 | 来源:发表于2017-07-18 19:08 被阅读0次


    1. Mr. Roy seemed pretty satisfied with my apology, and he let me go without even tacking on any detention.

    tack on something: to add something extra

    detention: 扣留,扣押,放学后留校

    造句:They tacked an additional 18% on the bill as a service charge.

    2. Mom didn't seem to happy with what I said, but it's not my fault I'm broke.......but the people I worked for stiffed me.

    be broke在这里表示“破产,没钱,囊中羞涩”,另外表示“不名一钱或者负债/赤字”还可以说penniless, in the red, impoverished...

    stiff someone表示“诈骗,不还钱,尤指不给小费”

    造句:I went to broke because the boss I worked for stiffed me. 

    3. But Rordrick went down to the convenience store and blew his money on some heavy-mental magazines.

    blow something on something: 在某事上花大价钱,挥霍to spend a lot of money on something

    造句:Every year my brother will blow his money on some stupid video games.


    But every time I'd leave, Princess would make a big mess in the foyer, and I'd have to clean it up the next day. Toward the end of the summer I got smart and realized it would be a whole lot easier to just clean up all of Princess's messes at once instead of doing it every single day.

    表示“把……搞砸,弄脏弄乱”可以有多种表达,例如mess up, screw up, blow something, make a big mess等

    toward the end of the summer是介词短语做时间状语,然后这里的用法是介词短语前置

    a whole lot=very much or a great deal 在之前的书中也出现过这个表达

    instead of doing something

    at once一次,一下子(解决),例如“一劳永逸”可以说put things right once and for all

    造句:Toward the end of this week  I finally found the person who messed my papers up. But I realized it was a whole lot tougher to face him firsthand. 


    There was a drenching rain outside and power failure indoors. With nothing serious to do, I just decided to have a house meeting with my younger brother. You know, my brother recently often got detained by his math teacher. I asked him firsthand the reason and he replied that it was because he helped his classmate cheat when the teacher asked him questions. To be honest with you, I didn't believe even a word of what he said. So I kept digging and my brother confessed that his classmate paid 5 yuan for that every time. It drove me really nuts and I warned him it must be stopped. But my brother said if he was broke, then it just was my fault. 


    And now I can tell you firsthand that it's true. firsthand这里的意思是“直接地”,相当于directly.


    gun-shy (猎犬,马等)被枪炮声吓坏的

    dopey party, dopey本意是“呆头呆脑的,愚笨的”,这里与party搭配可以理解为无聊的,无趣的

    be put on hold:暂停,中止

    cut one's trip short and get home 数词 days early这也是一个比较实用的表达。表示缩短行程提早回家

    dug up 有“开垦,采掘”的意思。这里是“发现,找出”



          本文标题:Day 7, Page 61-70
