

作者: 骚青小王子 | 来源:发表于2017-01-07 23:54 被阅读0次

western and chinese food

With the development of opening-up policy, western food enters to our daily life day by day and chinese food goes global step by step.There is a tendency of food combination between chinese food and western food. However, as different nations have different culture and life styles,chinese food and western food differ in four aspects as follows.

The first difference seems to be food contents. In China, we always make the cereal as the main food.Chinese food contains fruit, green vegetable, Jiaozi, noodles, spring rolls and so on.On the contrary, the westerner’s ancestors are going in for animals’ husbandry. Therefore, their food is meat and milk.Roast beef, beef stew, pork chop, fried chicken, eggs, are the food, which they usually eat.For example,to many people, American food means hamburgers, hot dogs, fired chicken, and pizza.

The second difference seems to be food culture. In China, when we are eating, people should sit around the round table, so we always eat together. “Chinese consider that diet not only a target of tasting and enjoying but also an intermediary of people communicates the emotion.”But in western country also conclude England and USA, they pursue to eat separate dishes. After they are eating one dish then they could eat anther one. Therefore, they never eat like that many different kind dishes on one table.

The third difference seems to be food etiquette. The ways people eat, that is, the table manner, really distinguish a lot. The reason for this is probably because of the different dining tools and menus.In China,we use bowls to have rice and soup and use thin and long chopsticks to send food to mouths.While The etiquette in the West requests that when eating, bowls and plates cannot leave the tables. Food should be cut by knives to fit into the mouths. Of course your mouth cannot touch the plates or bowls.

The last difference seems to be the nutrition of food. The Chinese food is considered to be the healthiest in the


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