An alley is a narrow service thoroughfare running through the middle of a block that permits access to the rear of the property. Alleys provide access to off-street parking, and typically are used for utility easements, service, and trash removal. They are paved from property line to property line, with drainage at the center of the thoroughfare achieved by an inverted crown. Alley right-of-ways may be as narrow as 12 feet (3.7 meters). However, in newer developments they tend to be 25 feet (7.6 meters) in width to accommodate the desires of fire marshals and utility officials who insist on the largest dimension for the convenience of drivers or life safety reasons. New urbanists have promoted the use of alleys to create a better pedestrian experience,accomplished by accessing garages from the rear and reducing curb cuts for front-loaded garages.
(上图)在可能的情况下,应尽量从B街道进入小巷,以免影响行人体验。(下图)小巷的最大通行宽度为25英尺(7.7米),这样就不会与步行街混淆。 (上图)佛罗里达州罗斯玛丽海滩的一条小巷通往的车棚。(下图)最近几年,美国邮政局已经停止向只有步行才能进入邮箱的住所发送邮件。在马里兰州的肯特兰,邮政信箱位于小巷沿线,可以通过邮政车辆进入。 华盛顿特区通有车库大门和垃圾收箱的典型小巷。这是城市生活功能主义的一面,必须同时在视觉上混乱丑陋不堪——最好远离公共领域的视线之外。 (上图)通过从小巷进入停车场可以最大限度地减少A街的拥堵。(中图)小巷是一条通道,可以设计一个终止的远景,以增加空间的封闭性。(下图)南卡罗来纳的伊安的小巷,为附近的孩子们提供了玩耍的地方。 (上图)尽管在高度和密度上有所增加,但是所有T3至T6断面中街巷的宽度保持不变。(左图)市中心的情况显示,这条25英尺宽(7.6米宽)的小巷的高宽比达到了极限。(右图)当没有小巷系统时,垃圾和回收站影响行人体验。