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2021-02-07 守护- 阴与阳 @女学生、女博士、女科学家

2021-02-07 守护- 阴与阳 @女学生、女博士、女科学家

作者: 宇宙中微子 | 来源:发表于2021-02-07 14:31 被阅读0次


2021-02-01守护- 阴与阳:学习像弱势群体一样感受世界


+ 推荐书单:

-  Sharon Bertsch McGrayne: NOBEL PRIZE WOMEN IN SCIENCE - Their Lives, Struggles, and Momentous Discoveries,JOSEPH HENRY PRESS, Washington, D.C.
*  《诺贝尔群英会中的女科学家 - 她们的生活、抗争、及重大发现》


转自微信群“WiA-Women in Astronomy”:

= “a new series of online seminars, the "Laura Bassi" Colloquium Series.”

= “The first colloquium of the series will take place on February 11th,  International Day of Women and Girls in Science, and every second Thursday of each month after that.”

= more info on the website or /read the full announcement below:

转自 Xiaoting @微信群“WiA-Women in Astronomy”:

Dear colleagues,

It is our pleasure to announce a new series of online seminars, the "Laura Bassi" Colloquium Series.

Laura Bassi, “woman of extraordinary intelligence”, was the first female University professor in the western world, teaching physics at University of Bologna in the XVIII century, a time when women could not pursue higher education nor learned professions, and universities and academies were reserved to men.

This series is intended to Bassi's legacy by showcasing and promoting the research work of talented young women astronomers.

The first colloquium of the series will take place on February 11th, International Day of Women and Girls in Science, and every second Thursday of each month after that.

The seminars will take place on line, and will be available via zoom connection and live streamed on our Youtube channel.

You can find more information, including the detailed schedule for the seminars and connection information on our website: https://laurabassiseries.inaf.it .

Setting the stage for the colloquium series, there will be the seminar “Unconscious bias in academia (and elsewhere): what it is, what does it do and what to do about it” by  Sara Lucatello, staff astronomer at IAN OAPd, Anna Boyksen fellow at IAS TUM and Vice President of the European Astronomical Society.

The seminar will take place on February 9 at 11am CET and provide a short overview of the issue of unconscious bias, discuss its effects in academia and, more specifically, in astronomy, and examine possible  approaches to minimise it.
The meeting will be online and you can connect via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5772561527


The organising committee



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    本文标题:2021-02-07 守护- 阴与阳 @女学生、女博士、女科学家
