

作者: 葉鴻 | 来源:发表于2019-02-27 23:02 被阅读0次

1. Excuse me, professor, I know good nutrition is important, but organizing … … isn’t really something you consider when you think about going into coaching as a career.

2. Well, to get better organized, one thing is take courses in business management and not just the sports management courses in the physical education department, other business and finance courses. 

3. There were criticisms that owners had too much opportunity to exploit workers, workers and consumers, because they could control prices and wages.

4. It might start with somebody reading a poem. Then somebody else playing an instrument, followed by a display of paintings, followed by somebody else chanting, followed by somebody else banging on a big drum, and someone dressed in a robot costume jumping up and down.

5. As you’ve said before, the main point of the Renaissance was to revive the genius of the ancient Greeks and Romans, which is why designers of Renaissance gardens designed them as the ancient Romans would have designed them, or at least as they imagined the ancient Romans would have designed them.

6. Another difficulty is that … glass used for cooking does not fully melt at the temperature required for other glass, and so that also has to be picked out by hand.

7. But this high quality comes at a cost in terms of the waste produced during the process. Over a third of the waste paper that comes in can't be used in the recycled paper,leaving the question of what to do with it.

8. So,as with a domestic building,when designing a public building,an architect needs to consider the function of the building - for example,is it to be used primarily for entertainment,or for education,or for administration?

9. Glass is easy to recycle because it can be reused over and over again without becoming weaker. Two million tons of glass is thrown away each year,that is,seven billion bottles and jars;but only 500,000 tons of that is collected and recycled.

10. …enough,half the glass that's collected is green,and a lot of that is imported,so more green glass is recycled than the UK needs. As a result,new uses are being developed for recycled glass particularly green glass for example in … glass manufacture and water….


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