Python Real World Data Science [

Python Real World Data Science [

作者: 四碗饭儿 | 来源:发表于2017-06-15 08:37 被阅读0次

此系列更新《Python Real World Data Science》的阅读摘记,每周六更新。


  • Python 基础
  • 数据分析
  • 数据挖掘
  • 机器学习


Chapter 6 When to use object-oriented programming

Treat objects as objects

  • 识别出构建类的需求

Adding behavior to class data with properties

  • `class Color:
    def init(self, rgb_value, name):
    self.rgb_value = rgb_value
    self._name = name

    def _set_name(self, name):
    if not name:
    raise Exception("Invalid Name")
    self._name = name

    def _get_name(self):
    return self._name

    name = property(_get_name, _set_name)`

  • 使用属性包裹类成员,便于访问控制

Decorators – another way to create properties

  • `class Silly:
    def silly(self):
    "This is a silly property"
    print("You are getting silly")
    return self._silly

    def silly(self, value):
    print("You are making silly {}".format(value))
    self._silly = value

    def silly(self):
    print("Whoah, you killed silly!")
    del self._silly`

Deciding when to use properties

  • method 名字通常为动词
  • properties 设置或访问时可以自定义操作
  • attributes 一般属性

Manager objects

  • 可读性
  • 拓展性
  • 区分性

Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY)

  • 少用ctrl + c
  • always make the effort to refactor your code to be easier to read instead of writing bad code that is only easier to write.



      本文标题:Python Real World Data Science [
