
作者: 天在山中 | 来源:发表于2020-04-12 07:18 被阅读0次

Japan's Honda Motor Company has reopened its factory in the chinese city of Wuhan,more than two months after it was closed to help stop the spread of the coronavirus. But the reopening came with new virus protection measures,including temperature checks for workers and a rule that employees keep more than one meter apart. The factory is co-owned by Honda and China's Dongfeng Motor Group .It was shut in late January when officials ordered a lockdown in Wuhan over the coronavirus epidemic. The factory reopened on March 11 and began operations slowly. It is now back to its pre-virus manufacturing rate.A sign in the factory said the goal was to make 1237 cars that day .That is 17 percent higher than its usual target of 1060 cars.


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