

作者: 颜克 | 来源:发表于2018-09-28 12:09 被阅读96次



    从长滩岛回来,梦中醒来,仿佛依然置身于海天一色的美景中。闭上眼睛,想象着在沙滩上,什么都不做,就那么静静地看着海水,由远及近,一层层铺开。耳畔是海的呜咽声,深沉的低语,绵长的诉说,忘我的感觉让人不想回到现实生活。长滩岛适合家庭旅游,情侣蜜月,来一场沙滩婚礼或是海底婚礼都是不错的选择。在长滩岛5公里的白沙滩上,有200多家不同风格和品质的宾馆别墅,通宵的酒吧,各国美食,海鲜大餐,自助餐,大型购物场所和别具特色的旅游纪念品。你也可以和招揽生意的菲人友好的谈价钱,玩各种海上娱乐,例如跳岛游,香蕉船,潜水,飞鱼,海底漫步,跳伞,观看海上落日等,还可以坐沙滩车,做沙雕,吹着海风晒太阳,或是花上300比索在沙滩上来个正宗的菲式SPA等等,让你的生活充满乐趣。如果你是单身,想要艳遇,长滩岛再适合不过了,在大海里,退去一切,相遇,相识,携手……该是多么浪漫。沙滩上的酒吧歌手忘情歌唱,和着吉他声,一切烦恼都会烟消云散。再如互联网发达的今天,FACEBOOK,微信,陌陌,QQ,街旁等社交工具,快捷而又有选择的拉近了你与陌生人的距离,相约酒吧品一杯鸡尾酒,或是沙滩漫步。全世界的美女都在这里,黑皮肤,白皮肤,黄皮肤,棕色皮肤,在性感的泳装衬托下,会让你跌破眼镜应接不暇。当然,如果你喜欢中性人,在这个自由的国度,到处都有打扮得如女子一样的男人在招揽生意。或者你喜欢强壮的,泳装下的男人,更是没有一丝伪装。即使语言不通,一个微笑,就足够了。但对于一个喜欢独处的文艺青年,一个忧伤的灵魂,这些热闹和繁华仿佛与我无关,激情是他们的,我如天上的一颗繁星,即使闪烁,也若隐若现。这样的感觉,让我更怀念巴拉望的每一天。如果说长滩岛是个不夜城,那么巴拉望则是菲律宾土地上的一颗夜明珠。巴拉望山水相依,他不缺沙滩,更有俊俏的山。跳岛游的时候,你可以随便去爬山,逛椰林,也可以在沙滩上晒太阳,烧烤,或是在海里畅游一整天。巴拉望纯粹自然,像是未被开垦的处女地,宁静幽美。长滩岛的只有一个颜色——蓝,或深或浅。巴拉望的海,每一个角度,一步一景,变幻出的色彩,没有相同。深蓝、湛蓝、浅蓝、酞青蓝、墨蓝、翠蓝、宝石蓝、粉蓝、墨绿、中绿、浅绿、黄绿……让我这个学美术的都没有形容词来说出巴拉望海的蓝和绿。只有亲眼看到巴拉望的海,你才知道世界上还有这么纯净而丰富的颜色。巴拉望的海掩映在山中间,或许我们不知道是山环抱着海,还是海拥抱着山。行船海上,山就那么突兀地立在海面,像是漂浮在海上一般。从一个小岛到另一个小岛,海相似,山不同。在长滩,只有一望无际的海消失在地平线。如果说智者乐山仁者乐水,那么我的爱,是在乎山水之间的,有山水则灵,有水山愈青。巴拉望的大酒店不多,很多都是农家宾馆,小木屋,更有居家的感觉。游人多住在小镇里,夜幕降临,一切都安静下来,天空像是落下了厚厚的幕布抚平了白日的炎热。夜晚唯一的活动就是看星星听海声。我喜欢这样的宁静,可以让思绪蔓延,无拘无束地在海天之间畅游。这里原生态,自然朴实,村民都是黝黑的皮肤爽朗的笑。连偶遇的旅人,也只是淡淡的一笑而过。如果你问我:“去了菲律宾,是去长滩还是去巴拉望?”我会说:“那是不同的风景,如果非要选择一个的话,我会带你和我一起再游巴拉望,给灵魂一次自由行!”                                      2015.1.2

                                Boracay VS Palawan

    Back from the Boracay, I woke up from the dream, as if I was still in the sky of the scenery. Close my eyes, imagine that on the beach, I do nothing, then quietly watching the sea, from far to near, layers of spreading. The ear is the sob of the sea, deeply whisper, long story, selfless feeling let a person do not want to return to the real life. Boracay is a wonderful place where is not only for family travel, but also for the couple’s honeymoon, a beach wedding or wedding in a good seabed is a good choice. In the Long Beach Island 5 km of white sand beaches, more than 200 different styles and quality of the hotel villa, all night bar, international cuisine, seafood dinner, buffet, large shopping venues and distinctive tourist souvenirs. You can also recruit and business of the Philippine people friendly to talk about the price, playing various sea entertainment, such as the island hopping tour, banana boat, diving, flying fish, walk through the seabed, skydiving, watch the sunset on the sea and so on, we can also sit ATV, building sand, sea breeze blowing the sun, or spend 300 pesos in the sand up a authentic Philippine style spa and so on, let our life be full of fun. If you are single, if you want to fling, Long Beach Island is the right place, in the sea, all receded, meet, met, hand in hand... How romantic it is! The beach bar singer sing, and a guitar sound, all the troubles will be disappeared just like a smoke. Another example of the Internet which developed quickly today, Facebook, micro channel, Mo Mo, QQ, street and other social networking tools, fast and selective closer to the distance with strangers who meet in the bar drinking a cup of cocktail, or is walking along the beach. Beauty of the world are here, black skin, white skin, yellow skin, brown skin, Sexy Swimwear foil, let you fell surprised and could be overwhelmed. Of course, if you like the neutral person, in this free country, everywhere there are men who dressed like women in the solicitation of business. Or you like the strong, the man in the swimming suit, but there is no disguise.. Even if the language barrier, a smile is enough. But for a literary youth who likes living alone, a sad soul, these busy and bustling as if nothing to do with me, passion is theirs, I am just like a bright stars in the sky, even blinking, looming. This feeling, let me miss Palawan every day. If Boracay is a night city, then Palawan is a night pearl in the Philippines . Palawan mountains and rivers, which does not lack the beach, they have more beautiful mountain. Island if you want to feel the Tour of the jump, you can just climb a mountain, stroll in the coconut grove, you can also be

     bask in the sun, barbecue on the beach, or swim in the sea for a whole day. Palawan is a purely natural island, like a virgin field, quiet and beautiful. There is only one color, blue, or deep or shallow in Boracay.. about the sea of Palawan, every angle, a step by step, the changing color, there is no same. Blue, deep blue, azure blue, light blue, Mo Lan, turquoise blue, sapphire blue, pink blue, ink green, mid green, shadow green, yellow green...... Even I who major in arts cannot tell the blue and green with adjectives to describe Bala hai. Only by seeing the sea of Palawan, you do know there are so pure and rich colors in the world.. The sea Palawan nestled in the middle mountain, maybe we don't know it is a mountain surrounded by the sea, or it is a sea surrounded by the mountain. The boat is travelling at sea, so the mountain towering over the sea, like floating in the sea. From one island to another, the sea is similar, and the mountain is different.. In Long Beach, the sea disappeared in the horizon only stretch as far as eye can see. If wise people love mountain, benevolent people love water, then my love, I care about the landscape, landscape, the water will have spirits and the mountain will be more green.

    There are not so many Grand Large Hotel in Palawan , many of them are farm hotels, cabins, more home feeling. Visitors lived in a small town, as night fell, everything is quiet, the sky like behind the thick screen Smoothing the daytime heat. The only activity is watching the stars at night listening to the sound of the sea. I like the quietness so that I can let the thoughts spread, remain free to roam in the sky. There are the original ecological, natural and plain here. the villagers are dark skin and they always have hearty laughter. Even the occasional traveler who has only faint smile. If you ask me: "go to Philippines, is to go to the beach or go to Palawan?" I would say: "it is a different landscape, if you choose one, I will take you and I go to Palawan, to give the soul of yours a free exercise!"



