
更新下:贸易战, P2P 各种跑路,传言房产税 19 年 6 月开征,未来几年都不会太好过。
在公司呆的非常痛苦,度日如年 初创公司也有初创的痛点
- 开头提到了你之前说过的, 要选择书而读的观点
- 中间提到我之前说过的, 记笔记可以让你读书更仔细的观点
- 读书是累赘的观点, 有些类似"学而不思则罔"
- 下面有一段提到"以专精作为缩小涉猎面的接口", 好像也适用于我
Linus Torvalds 都开始黑中医了?这哪对哪? 这个Linus是程序员的教父级别的任务. 程序员这个群体里面黑中医的比例格外的高
With Saha's unfortunate injury, either Rishab Pant or Dinesh karthik would get a shot at changing the numbers!Can India resolve it's keeper-batsman woes in the upcoming test series?
- A. With Saha's unfortunate injury, either Rishab Pant or Dinesh karthik would get a shot at changing the numbers!Can India resolve it's keeper-batsman woes in the upcoming test series?
- B. With Saha's unfortunately injury, either Rishab Pant or Dinesh karthik would get a shot at changing the numbers!Can India resolve their keeper-batsman woes in the upcoming test series?
- C. With Saha's unfortunate injury, either Rishab Pant or Dinesh karthik would get a shot at changing the numbers!Can India resolve their keeper-batsman woes in the upcoming test series?
- D. With Saha's unfortunately injury, either Rishab Pant or Dinesh karthik would get a shot at changing the numbers!Can India resolve it's keeper-batsman woes in the upcoming test series?
- E. With Saha's unfortunate injury, either Rishab Pant or Dinesh karthik will get a shot to change the numbers!Can India resolve it's keeper-batsman woes in the upcoming test series?