Is the mind aware? Is there interest?
Is the mind aware? Is there interest? 心在觉知吗?觉知时有兴趣吗?
Awareness is where to put your energy. Putall your energy...
If a yogi isable to clearly differentiate objectandknowin...
Every moment that we bring awareness tolife, weakens the ...
Don't have trouble with what you are experiencing.Don't c...
抛弃抱怨,让我们的心灵更加纯净。 人生不如意,十之八九,常想一二。 现实生活中,我们经常会被现实生活中的种种不如易...
Don't get so into the object that you forget theawareness...
If there is anger in the mind, don't think more aboutwhat...
Are you clear about what you are awareof? Is there a clea...
We are so used to thinking that meditation issomething we...
本文标题:April 20:有趣的觉知