

作者: 慕令川 | 来源:发表于2022-02-05 09:42 被阅读0次



  John Morsh was on his way.He looked up,to see the sun shining.

  Anyway he turned back in the meantime.And he found that the shadow on the ground didn’t move with him.


  Then it spoke first ,“Guten Tag! I’m Dira.”

  “Who are you?”He said to himself.But he answered, “Hi, I’m John Morsh.”


  “I’m the Goddess of Shadows. I’m tired.Could you give me a lift?”She then asked.


  “No,you needn’t do anything. I’ll just stay by your side.”Her voice was soft and clear.

  So they were on their journey.They talked about the stars,the sky, and the future.Mostly,Dira listened;but Morsh responded,too.He recalled,sharing his past with her.Dira also talked about herself,with uncertainty.

  They felt closer than before.When Dira was planning for her leaving,Morsh suddenly asked,“You are the first one who has ever listened to me.Could you stay with me for a longer time?”

  Dira hesitated.She listened to any traveller who had a desire to share their stories.

  But she said yes.

  They moved on,happier with concerns.Dira was walking with him side by side now.But she knew Morsh was just struggling to live,to become a more mindful self.

  She felt sorry without surprise to learn that he wanted to leave.“No I don’t need you to accompany me anymore.Everytime I looked around, I look for you and I see you here.

  “All right,”Dira sighed.She was fearless to be alone again,for she was always alone.“We are travellers that have lives,and travellers of our lives.”

  She was away.

  They separated.Since then Morsh has met many people,becoming friends with some of them, and explored the world:without his shadow.

  Everytime he looked back,there was nothing.

  One day Morsh thought of Dira.He paused.

  “Is it the feeling of being ……sad?”


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