ZLameMp3 - MP3转码器

作者: 吾非言 | 来源:发表于2022-06-17 20:05 被阅读0次


PCM(WAV)- Lame-MP3转换器



  1. 在根gradle文件中引入jitpack仓库:
allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
  1. 在工程gradle文件中引入ZLameMp3插件
dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.zrunker:ZLameMp3:v1.0.4'





public class Mp3Converter {

     * init lame
     * @param inSampleRate  input sample rate in Hz
     * @param channel       number of channels
     * @param mode          0 = CBR, 1 = VBR, 2 = ABR.  default = 0
     * @param outSampleRate output sample rate in Hz
     * @param outBitRate    rate compression ratio in KHz
     * @param quality       quality=0..9. 0=best (very slow). 9=worst.<br />
     *                      recommended:<br />
     *                      2 near-best quality, not too slow<br />
     *                      5 good quality, fast<br />
     *                      7 ok quality, really fast
    public native static void init(int inSampleRate, int channel, int mode,
                                   int outSampleRate, int outBitRate, int quality);

     * file convert to mp3
     * it may cost a lot of time and better put it in a thread
     * @param inputPath    file path to be converted
     * @param mp3Path      mp3 output file path
     * @param inSampleRate input sample rate in Hz
    public native static void convertMp3(String inputPath, String mp3Path, int inSampleRate, int channels);

     * file convert to mp3
     * it may cost a lot of time and better put it in a thread
     * @param inputPath file path to be converted
     * @param mp3Path   mp3 output file path
    public native static void wavConvertMp3(String inputPath, String mp3Path);

     * Encode buffer to mp3.
     * @param bufferLeft  PCM data for left channel.
     * @param bufferRight PCM data for right channel.
     * @param samples     number of samples per channel.
     * @param mp3buf      result encoded MP3 stream. You must specified
     *                    "7200 + (1.25 * buffer_l.length)" length array.
     * @return <p>number of bytes output in mp3buf. Can be 0.</p>
     * <p>-1: mp3buf was too small</p>
     * <p>-2: malloc() problem</p>
     * <p>-3: lame_init_params() not called</p>
     * -4: psycho acoustic problems
    public native static int encode(short[] bufferLeft, short[] bufferRight,
                                    int samples, byte[] mp3buf);

     * Flush LAME buffer.
     * <p>
     * REQUIRED:
     * lame_encode_flush will flush the intenal PCM buffers, padding with
     * 0's to make sure the final frame is complete, and then flush
     * the internal MP3 buffers, and thus may return a
     * final few mp3 frames.  'mp3buf' should be at least 7200 bytes long
     * to hold all possible emitted data.
     * <p>
     * will also write id3v1 tags (if any) into the bitstream
     * <p>
     * return code = number of bytes output to mp3buf. Can be 0
     * @param mp3buf result encoded MP3 stream. You must specified at least 7200
     *               bytes.
     * @return number of bytes output to mp3buf. Can be 0.
    public native static int flush(byte[] mp3buf);

     * Close LAME.
    public native static void close();

     * get converted bytes in inputBuffer
     * @return converted bytes in inputBuffer
     * to ignore the deviation of the file size,when return to -1 represents convert complete
    public native static long getConvertBytes();

     * get library lame version
     * @return lame version
    public native static String getLameVersion();



// 获取当前lame版本



                "xxx.pcm/xxx.mav", "xx.mp3", new AudioToMp3Util.ConverterListener() {
                    public void onProgress(float progress) {
                        // 转码进度:"转码中" + progress + "%"

                    public void onComplete(String mp3Path) {
                        // 转码完成

                    public void onError(String msg) {
                        // 转码出错


protected void onDestroy() {



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    本文标题:ZLameMp3 - MP3转码器
