

作者: hoggenWang | 来源:发表于2017-03-27 16:42 被阅读323次



    public protocol Resource {
        var cacheKey: String { get }
        var downloadURL: URL { get }
    public struct ImageResource: Resource {
        public let cacheKey: String
        public let downloadURL: URL
        public init(downloadURL: URL, cacheKey: String? = nil) {
            self.downloadURL = downloadURL
            self.cacheKey = cacheKey ?? downloadURL.absoluteString
    extension URL: Resource {
        public var cacheKey: String { return absoluteString }
        public var downloadURL: URL { return self }


    public final class Kingfisher<Base> {
        public let base: Base
        public init(_ base: Base) {
            self.base = base
    //定义协议 KingfisherCompatible,声明属性 kf,类型是范型 CompatibleType 。
    //并要求遵守协议的一方,实现该属性的 get 方法。
    public protocol KingfisherCompatible {
        associatedtype CompatibleType
        var kf: CompatibleType { get }
    public extension KingfisherCompatible {
        public var kf: Kingfisher<Self> {
            get { return Kingfisher(self) }
    //Image Imageview Button 遵循 KingfisherCompatible协议,并且在不需要实现的
    extension Image: KingfisherCompatible { }
    #if !os(watchOS)
    extension ImageView: KingfisherCompatible { }
    extension Button: KingfisherCompatible { }


    public typealias KingfisherOptionsInfo = [KingfisherOptionsInfoItem]
    let KingfisherEmptyOptionsInfo = [KingfisherOptionsInfoItem]()
    //KingfisherOptionsInfoItem 是一个枚举 配置 Kingfisher所有功能行为
    public enum KingfisherOptionsInfoItem {
        这个成员的关联值是一个ImageCache对象。 Kingfisher使用指定的缓存对象处理 相关业务,包括试图检索缓存图像和存储下载的图片。
        case targetCache(ImageCache)
        case downloader(ImageDownloader)
        如果从网络下载的图片 Kingfisher将使用“ImageTransition这个枚举动画。从内存或磁盘缓存时默认过渡不会发生。如果需要,设置ForceTransition
        case transition(ImageTransition)
        有关“浮动”值将被设置为图像下载任务的优先级。值在0.0 ~ 1.0之间。如果没有设置这个选项,默认值(“NSURLSessionTaskPriorityDefault”)将被使用。
        case downloadPriority(Float)
        case forceRefresh
        如果设置 即使缓存的图片也将开启过渡动画
        case forceTransition
        case cacheMemoryOnly
        如果设置 Kingfisher只会从缓存中加载图片
        case onlyFromCache
        case backgroundDecode
        当从缓存检索图像时 这个成员的关联值将被用作目标队列的调度时回调。如果没 有设置, Kingfisher将使用主要quese回调
        case callbackDispatchQueue(DispatchQueue?)
        将检索到的图片数据转换成一个图时 这个成员变量将被用作图片缩放因子。图像分辨率,而不是屏幕尺寸。你可能处理时需要指定正确的缩放因子@2x或@3x Retina图像。
        case scaleFactor(CGFloat)
        case preloadAllGIFData
        case requestModifier(ImageDownloadRequestModifier)
        case processor(ImageProcessor)
        提供一个CacheSerializer 可用于图像对象序列化成图像数据存储到磁盘缓存和从磁盘缓存将图片数据反序列化成图像对象
        case cacheSerializer(CacheSerializer)
        case keepCurrentImageWhileLoading
    //自定义<== 运算符 比较两个KingfisherOptionsInfoItem 是否相等
    precedencegroup ItemComparisonPrecedence {
        associativity: none
        higherThan: LogicalConjunctionPrecedence
    infix operator <== : ItemComparisonPrecedence
    // <== 具体实现,相等返回true 否则返回false
    func <== (lhs: KingfisherOptionsInfoItem, rhs: KingfisherOptionsInfoItem) -> Bool {
        switch (lhs, rhs) {
        case (.targetCache(_), .targetCache(_)): return true
        case (.downloader(_), .downloader(_)): return true
        case (.transition(_), .transition(_)): return true
        case (.downloadPriority(_), .downloadPriority(_)): return true
        case (.forceRefresh, .forceRefresh): return true
        case (.forceTransition, .forceTransition): return true
        case (.cacheMemoryOnly, .cacheMemoryOnly): return true
        case (.onlyFromCache, .onlyFromCache): return true
        case (.backgroundDecode, .backgroundDecode): return true
        case (.callbackDispatchQueue(_), .callbackDispatchQueue(_)): return true
        case (.scaleFactor(_), .scaleFactor(_)): return true
        case (.preloadAllGIFData, .preloadAllGIFData): return true
        case (.requestModifier(_), .requestModifier(_)): return true
        case (.processor(_), .processor(_)): return true
        case (.cacheSerializer(_), .cacheSerializer(_)): return true
        case (.keepCurrentImageWhileLoading, .keepCurrentImageWhileLoading): return true
        default: return false
    public extension Collection where Iterator.Element == KingfisherOptionsInfoItem {
        func firstMatchIgnoringAssociatedValue(_ target: Iterator.Element) -> Iterator.Element? {
            return index { $0 <== target }.flatMap { self[$0] }
        func removeAllMatchesIgnoringAssociatedValue(_ target: Iterator.Element) -> [Iterator.Element] {
            return self.filter { !($0 <== target) }
    //接下来public extension Collection where Iterator.Element == KingfisherOptionsInfoItem就是参数相关配置


    //Image 序列化 Data。通过Data获取图片format,返回不同格式下图片。能实现PNG,
     public func data(with image: Image, original: Data?) -> Data? {
            let imageFormat = original?.kf.imageFormat ?? .unknown
            let data: Data?
            switch imageFormat {
            case .PNG: data = image.kf.pngRepresentation()
            case .JPEG: data = image.kf.jpegRepresentation(compressionQuality: 1.0)
            case .GIF: data = image.kf.gifRepresentation()
            case .unknown: data = original ?? image.kf.normalized.kf.pngRepresentation()
            return data
      //Data 序列化成Image。 如果是GIF图片,preloadAllGIFData 用于判断图片显示方
      //式。 false: 不会加载所有GIF图片数据,只显示GIF中的第一张图片,true:将所有
        public func image(with data: Data, options: KingfisherOptionsInfo?) -> Image? {
            let scale = (options ?? KingfisherEmptyOptionsInfo).scaleFactor
            let preloadAllGIFData = (options ?? KingfisherEmptyOptionsInfo).preloadAllGIFData
            return Kingfisher<Image>.image(data: data, scale: scale, preloadAllGIFData: preloadAllGIFData)



      /// The maximum concurrent downloads to use when prefetching images. Default is 5.
        public var maxConcurrentDownloads = 5
        private let prefetchResources: [Resource]
        private let optionsInfo: KingfisherOptionsInfo
        private var progressBlock: PrefetcherProgressBlock?
        private var completionHandler: PrefetcherCompletionHandler?
        private var tasks = [URL: RetrieveImageDownloadTask]()
        private var pendingResources: ArraySlice<Resource>
        private var skippedResources = [Resource]()
        private var completedResources = [Resource]()
        private var failedResources = [Resource]()
        private var stopped = false
        // The created manager used for prefetch. We will use the helper method in manager.
        private let manager: KingfisherManager
        private var finished: Bool {
            return failedResources.count + skippedResources.count + completedResources.count == prefetchResources.count && self.tasks.isEmpty
         Init an image prefetcher with an array of URLs.
         The prefetcher should be initiated with a list of prefetching targets. The URLs list is immutable. 
         After you get a valid `ImagePrefetcher` object, you could call `start()` on it to begin the prefetching process.
         The images already cached will be skipped without downloading again.
         - parameter urls:              The URLs which should be prefetched.
         - parameter options:           A dictionary could control some behaviors. See `KingfisherOptionsInfo` for more.
         - parameter progressBlock:     Called every time an resource is downloaded, skipped or cancelled.
         - parameter completionHandler: Called when the whole prefetching process finished.
         - returns: An `ImagePrefetcher` object.
         - Note: By default, the `ImageDownloader.defaultDownloader` and `ImageCache.defaultCache` will be used as 
         the downloader and cache target respectively. You can specify another downloader or cache by using a customized `KingfisherOptionsInfo`.
         Both the progress and completion block will be invoked in main thread. The `CallbackDispatchQueue` in `optionsInfo` will be ignored in this method.
        public convenience init(urls: [URL],
                             options: KingfisherOptionsInfo? = nil,
                       progressBlock: PrefetcherProgressBlock? = nil,
                   completionHandler: PrefetcherCompletionHandler? = nil)
            let resources: [Resource] = urls.map { $0 }
            self.init(resources: resources, options: options, progressBlock: progressBlock, completionHandler: completionHandler)
         Init an image prefetcher with an array of resources.
         The prefetcher should be initiated with a list of prefetching targets. The resources list is immutable.
         After you get a valid `ImagePrefetcher` object, you could call `start()` on it to begin the prefetching process.
         The images already cached will be skipped without downloading again.
         - parameter resources:         The resources which should be prefetched. See `Resource` type for more.
         - parameter options:           A dictionary could control some behaviors. See `KingfisherOptionsInfo` for more.
         - parameter progressBlock:     Called every time an resource is downloaded, skipped or cancelled.
         - parameter completionHandler: Called when the whole prefetching process finished.
         - returns: An `ImagePrefetcher` object.
         - Note: By default, the `ImageDownloader.defaultDownloader` and `ImageCache.defaultCache` will be used as
         the downloader and cache target respectively. You can specify another downloader or cache by using a customized `KingfisherOptionsInfo`.
         Both the progress and completion block will be invoked in main thread. The `CallbackDispatchQueue` in `optionsInfo` will be ignored in this method.
        public init(resources: [Resource],
                      options: KingfisherOptionsInfo? = nil,
                progressBlock: PrefetcherProgressBlock? = nil,
            completionHandler: PrefetcherCompletionHandler? = nil)
            prefetchResources = resources
            pendingResources = ArraySlice(resources)
            // We want all callbacks from main queue, so we ignore the call back queue in options
            let optionsInfoWithoutQueue = options?.removeAllMatchesIgnoringAssociatedValue(.callbackDispatchQueue(nil))
            self.optionsInfo = optionsInfoWithoutQueue ?? KingfisherEmptyOptionsInfo
            let cache = self.optionsInfo.targetCache
            let downloader = self.optionsInfo.downloader
            manager = KingfisherManager(downloader: downloader, cache: cache)
            self.progressBlock = progressBlock
            self.completionHandler = completionHandler


         Start to download the resources and cache them. This can be useful for background downloading
         of assets that are required for later use in an app. This code will not try and update any UI
         with the results of the process.
        public func start()
            // Since we want to handle the resources cancellation in main thread only.
            DispatchQueue.main.safeAsync {
                guard !self.stopped else {
                    assertionFailure("You can not restart the same prefetcher. Try to create a new prefetcher.")
                guard self.maxConcurrentDownloads > 0 else {
                    assertionFailure("There should be concurrent downloads value should be at least 1.")
                guard self.prefetchResources.count > 0 else {
                let initialConcurentDownloads = min(self.prefetchResources.count, self.maxConcurrentDownloads)
                for _ in 0 ..< initialConcurentDownloads {
                    if let resource = self.pendingResources.popFirst() {
         Stop current downloading progress, and cancel any future prefetching activity that might be occuring.
        public func stop() {
            DispatchQueue.main.safeAsync {
                if self.finished { return }
                self.stopped = true
                self.tasks.forEach { (_, task) -> () in
        func downloadAndCache(_ resource: Resource) {
            let downloadTaskCompletionHandler: CompletionHandler = { (image, error, _, _) -> () in
                self.tasks.removeValue(forKey: resource.downloadURL)
                if let _ = error {
                } else {
                if self.stopped {
                    if self.tasks.isEmpty {
                        self.failedResources.append(contentsOf: self.pendingResources)
                } else {
            let downloadTask = manager.downloadAndCacheImage(
                with: resource.downloadURL,
                forKey: resource.cacheKey,
                retrieveImageTask: RetrieveImageTask(),
                progressBlock: nil,
                completionHandler: downloadTaskCompletionHandler,
                options: optionsInfo)
            if let downloadTask = downloadTask {
               // 构建下载任务字典
                tasks[resource.downloadURL] = downloadTask
        func append(cached resource: Resource) {
        func startPrefetching(_ resource: Resource)
            //always downloaded again
            if optionsInfo.forceRefresh {
            } else {//如果不是要求必须重新下载
                let alreadyInCache = manager.cache.isImageCached(forKey: resource.cacheKey,
                                                                 processorIdentifier: optionsInfo.processor.identifier).cached
                if alreadyInCache {
                    append(cached: resource)
                } else {
        func reportProgress() {
            progressBlock?(skippedResources, failedResources, completedResources)
        func reportCompletionOrStartNext() {
            if let resource = pendingResources.popFirst() {
            } else {
                guard tasks.isEmpty else { return }
        func handleComplete() {
            completionHandler?(skippedResources, failedResources, completedResources)
            completionHandler = nil
            progressBlock = nil



