用乐高讲述双增压分层直喷式发动机 LEGO TSI Intern

用乐高讲述双增压分层直喷式发动机 LEGO TSI Intern

作者: camelliacafe | 来源:发表于2018-05-15 09:30 被阅读0次


An internal combustion engine (ICE) is a heat engine where the combustion of a fuel occurs with air in a combustion chamber. The expansion of the high-temperature and high-pressure gases produced by combustion apply direct force to pistons. This force moves the component over a distance, transforming chemical energy into useful mechanical energy.

双增压分层直喷式发动机 TSI Internal Combustion Engine

正时皮带 中蓝色的组件表示冷却水泵,其受正时皮带(链)驱动。底部的齿轮受曲轴驱动。顶部右侧齿轮驱动进气凸轮。顶部左侧齿轮驱动排气凸轮。中部左侧齿轮用于调节正时皮带(链)的松紧度。 Timing Belt The Medium Blue one is the Cooling Water Pump which is driven by Timing Belt. The bottom gear is driven by the crankshaft. The top right gear drives the Suction Camshaft while the top left gear drives the Exhaust Camshaft. The middle left gear is used to adjust the tension of the Timing Belt.

进气 浅蓝色的管子表示进气吸入管。底部的叶轮表示机械增压部分。顶部的叶轮表示透平增压部分。 Suction Light blue pipes are the Fresh Air Suction: the bottom is the Mechanic Charger and the top is the Turbine Charger.

排气 灰色的管子表示排气管。排出的废气用于驱动透平叶轮。 Exhaust The gray pipes are Exhaust pipes: the Exhaust Gas drives the Turbine.

阀组 进气、排气凸轮联动阀组,采用4个二极管模拟火花塞。 Poppet Valves The Camshaft is used to operate Poppet Valves. 4 diode simulate Spark Plugs.

曲轴 曲轴带动4个活塞,每个活塞滞后90度或180度。 Crankshaft Crankshaft with 4 Pistons, each delays 90 or 180 degrees.

润滑油 润滑油泵(轴头泵)通过齿轮组被曲轴带动。 Lubricate Oil Lubricate Oil Pump is driven by Crankshaft with Gears. The oragne one is the oil pump.

气缸 4 列垂直气缸:红 - 黄 - 绿 - 紫 是活塞。 Cylindars 4 Vertical Cylindars. Using 4 differential color to watch the operating process easily.

凸轮 进气、排气凸轮嵌套多组椭圆形重锤。 Camshafts Suction and Exhaust Camshafts with Oblong Lobes to lift Poppet Valves.

透平(涡轮) 燃烧后的废气推动透平(涡轮),向进气增压。 Turbine Exhaust Gas drives Turbine to pressure up Suction Fresh Air.

燃料注入 燃料分布注入系统。 Fuel Injection Distributor Fuel Injection System.

数字化模型 3D数字化发动机模型DIY。 Digitial Model 3D Digitial Engine Model.

飞轮 安装了磁铁的飞轮,激发霍尔传感器,探测曲轴转动位置。 Flywheel A Magnet is mounted on the Flywheel to active HALL Effect Sensor to detect the position of each piston.

霍尔传感器 内嵌霍尔芯片,火花塞电子点燃系统。HALL Effect Sensor HALL chip, Used in the Electronic Ignition System.

安装在曲轴末端,检测活塞的运动位置。 Mounted at the end of the Crankshaft to detect the position of each piston.

发动机模型几乎包括了一台实际发动机的所有部件,您可以将这些部件组装成一台名副其实的发动机模型。 通电后,模型将仿真双增压分层直喷式(TSI)发动机的运行。 您将学习到发动机的工作原理和运行时序。

This model has almost every component of a real engine. Each component can be assembled to bulid an engine. With batteries, it simulates how a TSI Engine works. Your children will learn how a engine works and its operation sequence very quickly. It is very close to reality. Just enjoy it.

Copyright © Camellia Café



      本文标题:用乐高讲述双增压分层直喷式发动机 LEGO TSI Intern
