「雅思听力-咨询申请」剑雅8 Test 2-Section 1&

「雅思听力-咨询申请」剑雅8 Test 2-Section 1&

作者: 橙弗弗 | 来源:发表于2023-02-13 22:42 被阅读0次

    剑雅8 Test 2-Section 1



    第2题地址Shipping agent 是First Class Movers,并且需要注意复数

    the company who packed everything up at the point of origin.  Oh, it was …er... First Class Movers.


    It left on the 11th of October and got to Sydney on the 28th of November.

    第5、8、9拼写错误:bathroom、leg、plate 盘子

    we have a lovely set of china plates and dishes, you know, with matching cups, saucers, the lot. They were all in the one box which must have got dropped because some plates were broken - six actually.我们有一套可爱的套瓷器餐具,你知道的,还有配套的杯子,碟子,等等。他们都在一个箱子里,箱子肯定摔过了,因为一些盘子摔碎了,六个盘子。

    剑雅10 Test 3-Section 1




    DIRECTOR: we have several groups at the centre and we cater for children from three to five years old. How old is your daughter?

    CAROL: She's three now but she turns four next month.

    DIRECTOR: I'll put four down because that's how old she’ll be when she starts.我写四岁吧,因为等她开始来时就四岁了。



    CAROL: I'd prefer Monday and Wednesday if possible.如果可能的话我想要周一和周三。

    DIRECTOR: Mmm. I'll check. Monday’s fine, but I think the centre is already full for Wednesday. Erm. Yes. Sorry. It seems to be a very popular day. We can offer you a Thursday or a Friday as well.嗯。我会去查的。周一可以,但我认为我们周三人数已经满了。呃,是的,抱歉。这似乎是一个非常受欢迎的一天。我们也可以为您提供一个星期四或星期五。

    CAROL: Oh dear. I suppose Thursday would be all right because she has swimming on Friday.哦,亲爱的。我想周四可以,因为她周五要上游泳课。


    DIRECTOR: OK, got that. Because a lot of parents work, we do offer flexible start and finish times.We are open from 7:30 in the morning until 6 o'clock at night. What time would you like your daughter to start?好,明白了。因为很多家长要工作,我们也提供灵活的开始和结束时间。我们的开放时间为早上七点半到晚上六点。你想什么时候你的女儿开始?

    CAROL: I need to get to work in the city by 9:00 so I'll drop her off at 8:30. You're pretty dose to the city here so that should give me plenty of time to get there.我需要九点到城里工作,所以我会在8:30时把她送来。你这里离城市很近,这样应该可以给我足够的时间去那里。

    第7题,对戴眼镜这件事不敏感,wear glasses(第32-33句)

    DIRECTOR: Now, does she have any medical conditions we need to know about? Does she have asthma or any hearing problems for example?现在,她有什么需要我们了解的身体状况么?比如她有什么哮喘或任何听力问题吗?

    CAROL: No. But she does need to wear glasses.没有。但她确实需要戴眼镜。



        本文标题:「雅思听力-咨询申请」剑雅8 Test 2-Section 1&
