

作者: 批改网_秒批作文 | 来源:发表于2019-06-05 09:51 被阅读0次



    Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

      1) describe the drawing briefly,

      2) explain its intended meaning, and

      3) give your comments.





        As is illustrated in the picture, a traffic jam is caused by unregulated, random parking practice of shared bicycle. This leads to a bigger question under heated debate: does the introduction of bicycle-sharing make our lives better or worse?

        From my perspective, the new service serves as a double-edged sword. On the one hand, our lives become much more convenient with the emergence of shared bicycles. We don’t have to walk anymore if other means of transportation fail to take us to the destination. In addition, this could be a fashionable way of exercising. On the other hand, problems keep cropping up. Most of the bikes are propped anywhere you go, from the subway entrance to our neighborhood. Other issues plaguing the bicycle-sharing companies including intentional damage or stealing, which are undeniably among the major contributors to the insolvency of bicycle-sharing companies.

        Given this situation, it’s imperative that we should do something to reverse the situation. On the part of the government, stricter regulations must be implemented. As for citizens, we should protect the bicycles and feel obliged to report any stealing or vandalism. Only in this way can we make the service benefit for all.


    unregulated  无管理的

    lead to  导致

    from my perspective  在我看来

    double-edged sword  双刃剑

    emergence  出现

    transportation  运输

    fashionable  流行的

    intentional  故意的

    undeniably  不可否认的

    insolvency  破产,无力偿还

    imperative  必要的

    implement  实施,执行

    be obliged to  有责任

    1. On the one hand, our lives become much more convenient with the emergence of shared bicycles.


    2. Other issues plaguing the bicycle-sharing companies including intentional damage or stealing, which are undeniably among the major contributors to the insolvency of bicycle-sharing companies.


    3. Given this situation, it’s imperative that we should do something to reverse the situation.




