

作者: 批改网_秒批作文 | 来源:发表于2019-06-05 09:58 被阅读0次



    Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

      1) describe the drawing briefly,

      2) explain its intended meaning, and

      3) give your comments.

    I wish I could fly.




    phenomena 现象

    excessive pressure 压力过大

    non-normalized 非规范化的

    unreasonable curriculum 不合理的课程

    comprehensive development 全面发展

    appeal 呼吁,恳求;有吸引力,迎合爱好;诉诸,求助;上诉;(体育比赛中)诉诸裁判

    overlook 忽视;原谅;俯视

    severity 严格, 严厉, 苛刻

    superabundant 过多的, 过剩的; 极多的

    reverse the situation 扭转局面

    1. That is to say, not only students but also teachers pay much more attention to the scores of tests that is regarded as students’ success.


    2. This is especially true that there is insufficient time to relax themselves, which means the increasingly tasks of class and homework have occupied all their time to study.


    3. If people had not realized the severity of this problem, students would not have comprehensive development.



    As is revealed in the drawing, a boy, with heavy backpack which is full of books, is wondering that he struggles to free himself as the bird flying in the sky. Obviously, it is the excessive pressure of education that puts shackles on students.

    From my point of view, there are two reasons for this phenomena. The first reason is that the fierce social competition leads to non-normalized educational model. That is to say, not only students but also teachers pay much more attention to the scores of tests that is regarded as students’ success. Another reason is that an unreasonable curriculum for students causes the great burden of study. This is especially true that there is insufficient time to relax themselves, which means the increasingly tasks of class and homework have occupied all their time to study. If people had not realized the severity of this problem, students would not have comprehensive development.

      Given this situation, proper measures must be taken to reverse the situation. The society should appeal educators and students not to overlook the high scores. Additionally, the authority needs to enact relevant laws to reduce superabundant homework.



