recently i feit so so great,becauce i don'realy care other people how say obout me.
i don't give fucking care.
in the back i was always worried and fear that is so terrible,i don't live like that way.
i will be myself, i don't Flattering anybady no one Deserve。
when i realized that i felt free.
when i was younger i so worry about how someone esstate me ,but now l konw that so funy
why shoud i need worry about that?
because you can't control other 's mind don't?
only one thing i can control is how can do my things
i just try do everything best that'Enough.
i don't felt guity if i didn't anything wrong.
i should feel Confidence when i taking to someone i shuold look his eyes and anser short and precise.
it' so Important thing i have learned.