讲解:COMP2019、EMG data、Python、Pyth

讲解:COMP2019、EMG data、Python、Pyth

作者: zhenhaitan | 来源:发表于2020-01-11 22:09 被阅读0次

COMP2019 Assignment 2 – Machine LearningPlease submit your solution via LEARNONLINE. Submission instructions are given at the end of this assignment.This assessment is due on Sunday, 16 June 2019, 11:55 PM.This assessment is worth 20% of the total marks.In this assignment you will aim to identify which hand gesture is being performed based on recordedElectromyography (EMG) data. You will perform a number of machine learning tasks, including training aclassifier, assessing its output, and optimising its performance. You will document your findings in a writtenreport. Write concise explanations; approximately one paragraph per task will be sufficient.Download the data file for this assignment from the course website (file EMG.zip). The archive contains thedata file in CSV format, and some python code that you may use to visualise a decision tree model.Before starting this assignment, ensure that you have a good understanding of the Python programminglanguage, the Jupyter Python notebook environment, and an overall understanding of machine learningtraining and evaluation methods using the scikit-learn python library (Practical 3). You will need a workingPython 3.x system with the Jupyter Notebook environment and the ‘sklearn’ package installed.Documentation that you may find useful: Python: https://www.python.org/doc/ Jupyter: https://jupyter-notebook.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ Scikit-learn: http://scikit-learn.org/stable/ Numpy: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/ Pandas: https://pandas.pydata.org/ (optional, for reading the data file)PreparationCreate a Jupyter notebook and set the random state based on your student ID.import numpy as npnp.random.seed(1234) # use your StudentID in place of 1234.Include this this code as the preamble to each of your questions in the Jupyter notebook.Then, load the data. Useimport numpy as npdata = np.loadtxt(‘EMG.csv’,skiprows=1,delimiter=’,’, dtype=np.int)to load the data. Type this code into the notebook. You will get a syntax error if you copy and paste from thisdocument. Students familiar with the Pandas library may use that to load and explore the data instead.Familiarise yourself with the data. There are 65 columns and 11678 rows. The first 64 columns represent thepredictors, and the 65th column represents the target label. The 64 predictors are organised in 8 blocks,where each block corresponds to Electromyography (EMG) data obtained at the same time instant. Thereare 8 time instants, 0,…,7. In each block there are readings from 8 sensors (S1,…,S8). Hence, the columntitled “S2_3” contains sensor readings taken from the second sensor, S2, at the fourth time instant.The last column, titled Target, represents the gesture that was performed while taking the sensor readings.There are four gestures, each encoded as an integer in the range {0,…,3}.Explore the distribution of data in each column.Question 1: BaselineWhat performance can we expect from this simple model?Choose an appropriate measure to evaluate the classifier.Select among Accuracy, F1-measure, Precision, Recall, or ROC curve.Justify your selection.Note that you will need to use the same measure for all tasks in this Assignment.Use a confusion matrix and/or classification report to support your analysis.Question 2: Nearest NeighbourTrain a k Nearest Neighbour classifier (KNeighborsClassifier) to predict Target.Use the Euclidean distance, 5 neighbours, and uniform weighting for the classifier. This should be the defaultoffered by sklearn for this classifier.Ensure that you follow correct training and evaluation procedures.1. Assess how well the classifier performs on the prediction task.2. What performance can we expect from the trained model if we used sensor data acquired fromadditional subjects as input?Question 3: Decision TreeTrain a DecisionTreeClassifier to predict Target. Use the default parameter values for the classifier (i.e. don’tspecify your own values).Ensure that you follow correCOMP2019作业代写、代做EMG data作业、Python编程作业调试、Python实验作业代写 帮做R语言编程|ct training and evaluation procedures.1. Assess how well the classifier performs on the prediction task.2. What performance can we expect from the trained model if we used sensor data acquired fromadditional subjects as input?If you wish to visualise the decision tree you can use function print_dt provided in dtutils.py in theAssignment 2 zip archive:import dtutilsdtutils.print_dt(tree, feature_names=flabels)where tree refers to the trained decision tree model, and flabels is a list of features names (columns) in thedata. This function prints a hierarchical representation of the tree where nodes deeper in the tree areindented further. For internal nodes, the children are shown. For leaf nodes, the class label associated withthe node is shown, as well as the frequency of each class among the samples associated with the node (insquare brackets).Question 4: DiagnosisDoes the Decision Tree model suffer from overfitting or underfitting? Justify why/why not.If the model exhibits overfitting or underfitting, revise your training procedure to remedy the problem, andre-evaluate the improved model. The DecisionTreeClassifier has a number of parameters that you canconsider for tuning the model:? max_depth: maximum depth of the tree? min_samples_split: minimum number of samples required to split an internal node in the tree? max_leaf_nodes: maximum number of leaf nodes in the tree? min_samples_leaf: minimum number of samples per leaf nodesQuestion 5: RecommendationWhich of the models you trained should be selected for the prediction task?a) Assume that all errors made are equally severe.b) Assume that correctly recognising the gesture 2 is three times more important than any othergesture. Would your recommendation change? Justify your argumentation based on the resultsobtained in the previous questions.Task 6: ReportWrite a concise report showing your analysis for Question 1-5.Demonstrate that you have followed appropriate training and evaluation procedures, and justify yourconclusions with relevant evidence from the evaluation output.Where there are alternatives (e.g. measures, procedures, models, conclusions), demonstrate that you haveconsidered all relevant alternatives and justify why the selected alternative is appropriate.Ensure that the report is professionally presented and self-contained.Do not include the python code in your report, and select relevant output from your program for use injustifications and discussion. Do not copy and paste the entire output into the report. The Jupyter notebookcontaining your code and complete output will be submitted as a separate deliverable.Submission InstructionsSubmit a single zip archive containing the following: emg.ipynb: the Jupyter Notebook file. emg.html: the HTML version of emg.ipynb showing the notebook including all output. Create this byselecting File>Download as>HTML after having run all cells in the Jupyter notebook. emg.pdf: the report as specified in Task 6 (i.e. your answers to questions 1-5)Marking SchemeQuestion MarksQ1: BaselineAppropriate measure selected and justifiedCorrect evaluation & analysis10Q2: k Nearest NeighbourCorrect training procedure appliedCorrect evaluation procedure appliedCorrect conclusion & analysis15Q3: Decision TreeCorrect training procedure appliedCorrect evaluation procedure appliedCorrect conclusion & analysis15Q4: DiagnosisCorrect diagnosisCorrect revised training and evaluation procedure applied30Q5: RecommendationCorrect recommendationsRecommendations justified by evaluation results20Task 6: Report formatWell-structured reportProfessional presentation10Jupyter notebookRandom state set based on Student ID at the start of each questionExecutes correctly when using Run AllUses only packages/code mentioned in this assignmentCopy saved as HTML format submittedMatches the contents of the reportDeductions apply转自:http://www.7daixie.com/2019051113146960.html



      本文标题:讲解:COMP2019、EMG data、Python、Pyth
