

作者: 被打断的节奏 | 来源:发表于2016-11-07 20:21 被阅读0次

    到底喝多少水才健康? 2016-11-07   Here's Exactly How Much Water You Should Drink Every Day 今天有小伙伴跟我抱怨说,每天八杯水真的有科学依据吗?她昨天喝了八杯水,喝得自己都快吐了。小译赶紧查了查,嘿!还真不用喝八杯! You can stop obsessing over eight glasses a day now, k? 不要再迷信一天喝八杯水了好吗? You've probably heard you're supposed to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily. That's almost enough to fill a 2 liter bottle—which even the most diligent water-drinkers may find daunting. But the classic advice is not the end-all-be-all of water intake. In fact, it's pretty misleading. 你也许听说过每人每天至少应该喝8杯8盎司玻璃杯量的水。这么多的水几乎足以装满一个2升的瓶子,因此即使是最勤奋的喝水者也会对此感到畏惧。但最经久不衰的建议是喝多少量并不是最重要的。事实上,把量作为评价的标准是很误导人的。 "Fluid requirements vary among individuals based on age, sex, activity level, and even where you live," Jessica Fishman Levinson, M.S., R.D., C.D.N., founder of nutrition counseling company Nutritioulicious tells SELF. Your personal fluid requirements also can vary each day, depending on the other things you're doing, eating, and drinking. “对于水的需求会因为个体之间年龄、性别、活动水平,甚至居住场所不同而存在差异,”杰西卡·菲什曼·莱文森这样告诉SELF的记者,她是一名理学硕士,注册营养师,注册护士,同时还是 Nutritioulicious咨询公司的创始人。你自己每天对水的需求也会有所不同,这取决于你正在做的其他事情、吃的食物以及喝的东西。 The Institute of Medicine recommends that women get 2.7 liters—that's 11 cups—of water per day. Note, they don't say you need to drink 11 cups of water a day. That includes all sources of water—from a basic glass of tap, to a cup of coffee, to the water content of the foods you eat (which, the IOM estimates, makes up about one-fifth of your daily fluid intake). If you listen to your body—drink when you're thirsty, eat when you're hungry—chances are you're going to get what you need, or pretty close to it. So stop sweating the eight glasses a day hubbub and think about it this way instead: 美国医学研究所建议女性每天应摄入2.7 升­——也就是大约11杯水。需要注意的是,这并不是说你一天需要喝够11杯喝水。这里说的水包括各种形式的水——简单的可以是一杯水,或者一杯咖啡,或者含水的食物(据美国医学研究所估计,这部分总量约占人体日常液体摄入量的五分之一)。如果你听从你身体反馈的信息——渴的时候就喝水,饿的时候就吃饭——那么你应该能获得足够多你身体需要的东西,或者非常接近其需求量。所以别再苦苦挣扎一天喝够八杯水了,尝试一下以下的几种方法: All fluids count toward your daily intake 所有液体都可以算进你的每日摄入量 According to the Mayo Clinic, the benchmark should really say "eight 8-ounce glasses of fluid," not water, because drinking things like milk, tea, and juice contribute to your total. "Good options for hydration without added calories are waters infused with fruit and herbs, unsweetened tea, and sparkling water," Levinson says. 据梅奥诊所表示,这个标准准确来说应该是“每天摄取8杯8盎司玻璃杯量的液体”,而不仅仅指水,因为喝牛奶、茶、果汁之类的也应该算在内。“既能补水,又没有额外卡路里摄入的选择可以是用水果和草本植物浸泡过的水,还有不加糖的茶和苏打水。”莱文森说。 So does the water you get from the foods 食物中获得的水也是这种液体 "Your body absorbs water in foods just like it would liquids," Levinson says. Many fruits and vegetables have high water content. Some good options: watermelon (duh), cucumbers, lettuce, celery, tomatoes, strawberries, oranges, and grapefruit. Even soup, Jell-O, and ice pops count as fluid. “你的身体从食物中获取水分就像其从液体中获取水分一样,”莱文森说。许多水果和蔬菜的水分含量很高。以下是一些不错的选择:西瓜(呃)、黄瓜、生菜、芹菜、西红柿、草莓、橙子、柚子。甚至连汤、果冻和冰棒都能算作液体。 Some foods and drinks can increase how much water you need. 一些食品和饮料可以提高你身体对水的需求。 "Foods with a diuretic effect, such as alcohol and asparagus, may cause you to excrete more water so you may need more," Levinson says. If you eat high-sodium foods, your body likely will retain more water, leaving you thirstier. Drinking more fluids will help dilute your system and get fluids moving regularly again. “有利尿作用的食品,比如酒精和芦笋,在让你排出更多的水的同时使你需要补充更多的水,”莱文森说。如果你吃了高钠的食品,你的身体可能会保留更多的水,让你感觉更渴。此时摄入更多液体能帮助你稀释这个系统,并让你的体液循环再次恢复到正常状态。 The best way to gauge your intake is by how your body feels. 最佳判断方法就是通过你身体的感觉。 If you're thirsty, your body's telling you that you need more water. "You might already be dehydrated," Levinson says. Another good way to determine your fluid status is by taking a peek inside the toilet after you pee. "If your urine is light yellow, you're probably getting enough fluids. If it's dark or smells strongly, you probably need more water." 当你感觉渴了,那是你的身体在告诉你,你需要更多的水。“你的身体可能已经缺水了,”莱文森说。确定你体内液体状态的另一个好方法是上完厕所后顺便看一眼你的尿液。“如果你的尿液是淡黄色的,那说明你体内摄入了足够的液体。如果颜色偏深或气味比较浓烈,这说明你可能需要更多的水了。” To make sure you're hydrated, keep a refillable water bottle with you all day so you can constantly sip whenever you want, and make a conscious effort to drink more whenever you're getting sweaty. 为了确保你身体中的水分充足,你可以随身携带一个水壶,这样你就可以随时补充水分,当你的身体出了大量的汗之后,你也可以及时补充水分。 本文由百度翻译 & 北语高翻联合独家翻译出品 翻译:朱洁 校对:李梅娟 编辑:李梅娟 文章来源: Self



