Daughter,today is your eleventh

Daughter,today is your eleventh

作者: 南匀木 | 来源:发表于2017-02-24 16:55 被阅读86次


Happy birthday to you.Today is your eleventh birthday.

You came into this world eleven years ago.Onthat day, I was very happy tomeetyou.Yourmotherand I were pleased at your coming and we knew that we were going to have troubles, for you were so little that we had to meet your requirements, such us feeding, company, and changing a diaper. But we were glad to take care of you because we enjoyed the time with you.We must thank your mother,because sheis quite dedicated to you.

Wish that you can do better and better, get better gradesandread more good books.When you can do these, you are able to better resolve troubles, especially in the future.Reading is very important for life, and you will know it in the future.Believe me,morereading will make you more confident.

8岁 早就可以自己做饭了

I guess, you are facing lots of confusion and troubles, and you can’t deal with them very well. I know it from your words. Everyone must face these, because the confusion and troubles are alwaysthereon everyone’s growth path.It isthe real world and all of us are in it. Don’t complain, because complainingdoes no good to you andcan't help you.


You must face troubles bravely, and improve yourself through many ways.When youbecomevery strong and very excellent, you will find many troubleshavegone away. In another way,youmay ignoresome of the troubles, because they are useless if youignorethem.Some of the troublesmay onlywaste your time andbreakyour mood, so you’d betterignorethem,for they may worry and hurt you if you care them too much.


Studying is very important, because it influencesnot onlyonyour school record but also on your future.What weexpectmost is not that you get NO.1, but you find your best way and try your best,especiallyyoulearn how to learn better. I want to tell you that you are very clever,and you will receive better gradesif you try yourbest.Studying eachsubjectneeds a suitable method and you should study the subject in a serous way, then you will find them very interesting and enjoy the study.


You areveryunderstandingeven thoughsometimes you are angry. I remember that I hurt my finger and youwereworried about me when we did handworkthat night. I am very happy every time you care.


I am sorrythat Imake you unhappysometimes. I often ignore your feelings when I am very busy.I will try to avoidsimilar thing happening. And Ihopeyoushare with me moreabout yourself and your trouble.


I am very happy to have you and to be with you.

Happy Birthday!


Your dad




    本文标题:Daughter,today is your eleventh
