

作者: 肖佩琳 | 来源:发表于2020-03-01 17:42 被阅读0次






本文是整理自我在本科阶段学的一门课程,全英教程The Art of Public Speaking.(Stephen E. Lucas, Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press)







Understand the speech communication process

Regardless of the kind of speech communication involved, there are seven elements—speakers, message, channel, listener, feedback, interference, and situation.



You can’t expect people to be interested in what you say unless you are interested yourself.


Your goal in public speaking is to have your intended message be the message that is actually communicated. Achieving this depends both on what you say ( the verbal message ) and on how you say it( the nonverbal message ).


The means


Without a listener, there is no communication.

Everything a speaker says is filtered through a listener’s frame of reference—the total of his or her knowledge, experience, goals, values, and attitudes.

You must be audience-centered. You will quickly lose your audience if your presentation is either too basic or too sophisticated.


Usually the nonverbal messages that are sent from a listener to a speaker.


One is the external to the audience—traffic, noise ect.

One is internal, perhaps one of your listeners has a toothache. You should adapt it.

The time and place in which speech communication occurs.

02 /
Write the outline for the topic

(1) Choosing a topic

Two broad categories of potential topics:

1. Subjects you know a lot about
2. Subjects you want to know more about

a.Brainstorming for topics

b.Personal Inventory:

list what you want to talk.


take a sheet of paper and divide it into nine columns:People, Places, Things, Events, Process, Concepts, Natural Phenomena, Problems, and Plans and Policies.

Then list in each column the first four or five items that come to mind.

Choose the most intriguing one and Free-associate.

d.Internet Search:

start early!!!

(1) Determining the General Purpose

[General Purpose:The broad goal of a speech.]

    To inform or to persuade?

When your general purpose is to inform, you act as a teacher or lecturer. Your aim is to enhance the knowledge and understanding of your listeners—to give them information they do not have before.

When your general purpose is to persuade, you act as an advocate or a partisan.You should give them information, but your primary goal is to win over your listeners to your point of view—to get them believe something or do something as a result of your speech.

(2) Determining the Specific Purpose

[Specific Purpose: A single infinitive phrase that states precisely what a speaker hopes to accomplish in his or her speech.]

“To inform/ persuade sb about/that sth”

*You should state not only what the you want to say, but also what you want the audience to know as a result of a speech.

(1) Phrasing the Central Idea

Central Idea: major ideas

my homework exercise /write an outline

03 /
Organizing the body of the speech

Main points:

take from my notes

04 /
The beginning and the end of the speech

*  Get the attention and interest of your audience

1/Relate the topic to the Audience

2/State the importance of your topic:

facts/ statistics

3/Startle the Audience: confuse; annoy the audience (nonverbal—face/body language/ voice)

the way to startle the audience

4/Arouse the Curiosity of the Audience


Comparison :

“Today I am going to talk about Xiangqi.”

5/Question the Audience

Ask a rhetorical question( no answers) is another way to get your listeners thinking about your speech.

6/Begin with a Quotation

7/Tell a story

* Create a positive relationship with the audience

Goodwill : show your sincerity and personal emotion or experience

* Establish your credibility

Your credibility can be based on research, firsthand knowledge, or some combination of the two.

Your experience!!!

*let your listeners know you know what your are talking about.

* Preview the body of the speech

The art of delivering the speech

take from my notes take from my notes

Last but not least, before you deliver a speech, please write down the

And prepare! Prepare! Prepare!

the comment paper at my first speech

这份comment paper 我至今还收着,当时是我第一次在课上演讲,老师给我的反馈我觉得非常客观,并且给我足够的“专业”勇气去进行下一次,下下次,乃至后来的各种公众演说。






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