

作者: 喜乐777 | 来源:发表于2022-08-17 08:33 被阅读0次


(箴2:1 [NIV])我儿,如果你听从我的话,将我的命令储存在心

My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you,

(箴2:2 [NIV]) 将你的耳转向智慧,将你的心转向聪明

turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding,

(箴2:3 [NIV])并要大声呼求洞察,扬声寻找知识

and if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding,

(箴2:4 [NIV])寻找他如同寻找银子,搜寻它如同隐藏的珍宝

and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure,

(箴2:5 [NIV]) 你就会明白敬畏上帝,拥有上帝的知识

then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.

(箴2:6 [NIV]) 因为上帝给人智慧,他的口传递知识、聪明。

For the Lord giveswisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.

(箴2:7 [NIV]) 他为义人持守胜利,他是行为正直之人的盾牌。

He holds victoryin store for the upright, he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless,

(箴2:8 [NIV])他保护正直人的路,看顾信实之人。

for he guards the course of the just and protects the way of his faithful ones.

(箴2:9 [NIV]) 然后,你就明白正直、公平、公义,各样美善的道路。

Then you will understand what is right and just and fair-every good path.

(箴2:10 [NIV])智慧进入你的心,你的灵喜悦知识

For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.

(箴2:11 [NIV]) 明哲护卫你,知识保护你。

Discretionwill protect you, and understanding will guard you.

(箴2:12 [NIV]) 智慧拯救你脱离恶道, 脱离说乖谬话的人。

Wisdom will save you from the ways of wicked men, from men whose words are perverse,

(箴2:13 [NIV])那些人行在黑暗的道上

who leave the straight paths to walk in dark ways,

(箴2:14 [NIV])喜欢做恶事,享受罪恶的生活

who delight in doing wrong and rejoice in the perverseness of evil,

(箴2:15 [NIV])他的道路是弯曲的,他们在道中弯曲。

whose paths are crooked and who are devious in their ways.

(箴2:16 [NIV])智慧保护你脱离淫妇,远离放纵的妇人,她用情欲话勾引他人。

It will save you also from the adulteress, from the wayward wife with her seductive words,

(箴2:17 [NIV])她离弃年青的配偶,抛弃在神面前所立盟约。

who has left the partner of her youth and ignored the covenant she made before God.

(箴2:18 [NIV])她的家引至阴间,她的道路通向灵里死亡

For her house leads down to death and her paths to the spirits of the dead.

(箴2:19 [NIV]) 到她哪里去的人,无一回转,也找不到生命之路。

None who go to herreturn or attain the paths of life.

(箴2:20 [NIV])因此,你将行在好人的道上,持定义人之路。

Thus you will walk in the ways of good men and keep to the paths of the righteous.

(箴2:21 [NIV])因正直人将住在地上,纯全之人将得存活

For the upright will live in the land, and the blameless will remain init;

(箴2:22 [NIV])但恶人将从地上去除,不忠之人将被拔除。

but the wicked will be cut off from the land, and the unfaithful willbe torn from it.


一.call out:


1.to shout something, especially when you aretrying to get someone’s attention

2.to ask a person or organization thatprovides a service to come and deal with something for you

3.to order on strike

4.to challenge somebody to a duel or fight



1.an object that soldiers carried in thepast to protect themselves from being hit; a riot shield that police officerscarry to protect them; an object that protects a particular part of your body,for example the gum shield that boxers wear to protect their teeth; someone orsomething that protects you from harm or bad experiences

2.a design shaped like a soldier’s shield,especially one used on a badge or a coat of arms; an object shaped like ashield given to the winner of a competition


1.to protect something, usually from beinghit, touched, or seen

2.to protect someone from somethingunpleasant


1.The variant of windscreen


adj. not responsible for anything bad;never causing any trouble or doing anything bad



1.determined to behave in an unreasonableway, especially by doing the opposite of what is expected or wanted


n.    1.someonewho is dishonest, especially someone who uses their position of power for theirown personal advantage; a criminal, especially one who steals money

2.the place where something bends inward

3.a long stick that is curved at one end,used by shepherds for controlling their sheep


1.Same as crooked


1.to bend a part of your body inward,especially your finger



1.dishonest and clever; used about people’sbehavior

2.not direct


1.a wayward child or someone with waywardbehavior is difficult to control and does unexpected things

2.not organized or controlled in the rightway


1.sexually attractive

2.attractive and likely to persuade you to do something that may be harmful or wrong



1.to succeed at achieving something,especially after much effort

2.to reach a particular age, amount, orlevel


v.      Tear

1.to pull something so that it separatesinto pieces or gets a hole in it, or to become damaged in this way; toaccidentally damage cloth, paper, etc. with something sharp or by getting itstuck on something

2.to damage something such as a muscle bystretching it until it pulls apart

3.to remove something by pulling it awayfrom something else with force

4.to move somewhere very quickly,especially in an excited or uncontrolled way

5.if your eyes tear, they produce tears


1.a hole in a piece of paper, cloth, etc.where it has been torn

2.a drop of liquid that comes from your eyewhen you cry; the state of crying


1.as a result of the fact that you havejust mentioned

2.in the way that has been mentioned, or bythe method that has been mentioned


adj.  1.havinga sexual relationship with someone who is not your husband, wife, or partner

2.not loyal


None (who go to

her) return or attain the paths of life.

None (没有一个人),who go to


None attain the paths of life. 没有到达生命之路。


  • 2022-08-17


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