苦等一个月的书终于来到,读到介绍章节就已经感觉被彻底征服。SIMON SCHAMA虽然在介绍8位世界艺术大师,可是他的文字功力已经昭显POWER OF WRITING。
书中说:“Power of Art features eight of these moments of self-dramatization, when the artist, under extreme pressure, undertakes a work of supremely ambitious scope in which his own most essential beliefs are embodied. All of them are directly presonal testimonies; all of them make claims for art that
go well beyond the pleasure principle. They are works that seek to change the world."
他说:“Van Gogh, the manically enraptured painter of burgeoning nature throttled by his own creations"

他说:“Turner,the meditative poet of the comings and goings of life"

他说:“Caravaggio, the devout Christian and criminal, who understands the redemption of blood because he has direct experience of spilling it."

对照着艺术家的画作和SIMON精辟的文字,这本书就如同Bolt of Illumination。我一面如同攻读GRE阅读一般啃食着大片大片陌生的词汇,一面打着摆子似的惊骇于一个又一个艺术家不为人知的故事,从此我心中所谓的艺术的世界发生了颠覆,不再仅仅是美丽和祥和,不再仅仅是高雅和宽恕,而是交织着不安和摇摆,交织着暴力和扭曲,交织着血腥和仇恨,交织着狂妄和邪恶。
就如同Bernini在St Peter大教堂建造的金色祭坛,一边是他奉教皇之命奉献给圣徒的伟大作品,一边却是他母亲的抱怨:“He thinks he’s Lord of the World"。

(Golden Altar by Bernini in St Peter’s)
Patrick Süskind 的小说香水,主人公杀死了一个又一个美丽的少女,从而酿制成了举世无双的香水,让世人神魂颠倒,象拜倒在上帝脚下一样拜倒在他的面前。邪恶泥淖中生长的恶之花,因为这一种真实迫切的欲望,而显示出非凡的诱魅。