When asked in 2010 what kind of consumer and market research had gone into the iPad, Steve Jobs replied, in all seriousness:"None. It isn't the consumers' job to know what they want."(Skadian, 2011)
Steve Jobs can “understand consumers' needs, and then improve on existing products using the best technology and manufacturing know-how to transform them into objects of desire."
It(Macintosh LC) encouraged people to explore their desktop.
它(Macintosh LC)激发了人们探索电脑桌面的欲望。
Perhaps it became so addictive because it appealed to the emotions, too. Its start-up chime was an F-major chord and never failed to display Happy Mac Icon!
或许能引起情感共鸣也是它令人着迷的原因之一。其开机音效是F大调和弦,而且总会显示Happy Mac的开机图标。
Reality Distortion Field
“现实扭曲力场”一词来自于《Star Trek》,Andy Hertzfeld在所著的乔布斯传记中用以称呼乔布斯强大到“扭曲现实”的说服力量。据说乔布斯具有惊人的说服力量,以致颠倒黑白扭曲现实,让员工相信他所布置的不可能任务可能完成,让人们相信他所推出的产品完美高端。
"People don't know what they want until you show it to them"--Steve Jobs
“The reality distortion field was a confounding mélange of a charismatic rhetorical style, indomitable will, and eagerness to bend any fact to fit the purpose at hand.”--Andy Hertzfeld(Mac团队老成员)
4/受众自身误导向。从众心理,崇尚权威(以至神化)与自我弱化(服从、求肯定)。部分原因是受众对核心人物的神秘化与潜意识服从(参考幼化(infantilisation)与斯德哥尔摩综合征(Stockholm syndrome)),反方面加强了“现实扭曲力场”的作用效果。
Walter Isaacson《Steve Jobs: A Biography》:Veterans of the Mac team had learned that they could stand up to Jobs. If they knew what they were talking about, he would tolerate the pushback, even admire it. By 1983 those most familiar with his reality distortion field had discovered something further: They could, if necessary, just quietly disregard what he decreed. If they turned out to be right, he would appreciate their renegade attitude and willingness to ignore authority. After all, that’s what he did.
After all no one wants to be fooled! No one wants to be influenced into doing anything against their will. ……I find it strange that we all are willing victims of RDF. Whether it is buying Apple products just because Steve Jobs told us to or whether it is sincerely believing in the highly representative and democratic nature of our parliament and political system. So in my opinion RDF isn't just fiction and cannot be dismissed as such. On one hand it can be used as an effective tool to obtain the required results. On the other hand it can be misused to mislead the people just enough so that the goals of a certain few are met! I realise that it is easier said than done, but I believe each one of us needs to approach life with a slightly more objective mindset. It is the only way we can at least reduce if not completely eliminate the effects of RDF. @Shreyas Banthalpad (CAMPUSDIARIES.com)
“Hero-shithead Roller Coaster”天才垃圾过山车
......he could not tolerate ambiguity and saw things only in binary terms: good or bad; smart or dumb. There was no grey area in his life. He was able to make quick decisions when the outcome was obvious to him. But when it was not, he would procrastinate. This flaw prevented him from having rich family relationships, and he was known to be distant from his daughters. (Chng, 2011)
"For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: 'If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?' And whenever the answer has been ‘No’ for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something."--Steve Jobs
(读书笔记,引文除注明出处的外来自Integrated Study课阅读材料)