Tunbridge Road
5th April, 1951
Dear Miss Hanff:
For nearly two years I have been
working as a cataloguer at Marks & Co.
and would like to thank you very much for
my share-out in the parcels which you’ve
been sending.
I live with my great-aunt who is 75,
and I think that if you had seen look of
delight on her face when I brought home
the meat and the tin of tongue, you would
have realized just how grateful we are.
It’s certainly good to know that someone
so many miles away can be so kind and
generous to people they haven’t even seen,
and I think that everyone in the firm
feels the same.
If at any time you know of anything
that you would like sent over from London,
I will be most happy to see to it for you.
Bill Humphries
so many miles away 远方。哈哈..好有文采的翻译
