

作者: 圣微 | 来源:发表于2017-10-18 08:36 被阅读0次

*Sahavas Sayings*

"Love is such that the lover needs no asking to do anything."

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"By loving, your whole being will be changed and your life will end in Freedom."

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"The gift of love is a rare gift of God, and rarely is one capable of receiving it."

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"God is infinitely more vital to your existence than your breath which is your very life. Ordinarily, life is associated with breath; but you only become aware of this when breath is restricted through exertion, and you only completely realize this when breath is cut off altogether as when drowning. Similarly, you only become aware that God is your existence when you pant for Him, and you only finally realize Him when you drown in His Ocean of divine Love."

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"It is difficult for one to understand the Spiritual Path, and still more difficult to get on the Path."


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