《Brown Bear ,Brown Bear ,What Do You See?》
Hello,This is teacher Danny.
Today we are going to read a new book,《Brown bear, Brown bear ,what do you see?》Let's look at the cover.(封面)
We can see a big brown bear.He's looking at something.
Do you know what he's looking at?Let's see together.Turn to page one.
It's the brown bear ,let's ask him together.
Brown Bear, Brown Bear ,what do you see?I see a red bird looking at me.
Do you know what a red bird is?Oh,this is the red bird.
Kids ,what do you see in the picture?I see one two two wings ,I see a tail ,I see a beek,It's not red, it's yellow.
Red Bird ,Red Bird, what do you see?I see a yellow duck looking at me.
Let's see the dark has two short legs.
Kids do you know what dark can do?Right, it can swim.
Yellow Duck ,Yellow Duck ,what do you see?I see a blue horse looking at me.
That's the blue horse ,Can you tell how many legs the horse has?
One two three four four long legs.
The horse can run very quickly with the long legs.
The blue horse is looking down at something.
Blue Horse ,Blue Horse, what do you see?I see a green frog looking at me.
Look at the frog,It has four legs and it can swim with the legs.
Kids do you know what else is green?The trees the vegetables are all green.
Green Frog ,Green Frog, what do you see?I see a purple cat looking at me .
That cat is grooming its soft fur.
he likes to be clean.
Purple Cat ,Purple Cat ,what do you see?I see a white dog looking at me.
look at the white dog.
It has two ears one red collar(项圈) one tail and four legs.
The dog likes barking
White Dog ,White Dog ,what do you see?I see a black sheep looking at me.
look at the sheep's eyes, It's green,
The black sheep has thick wool.
Do you know what sheep eat?
It's grass,Sheep likes grass.
Black Sheep, Black Sheep, what do you see?I see a gold fish looking at me .
it's a beautiful fish .Do you know where a fish lives?The goldfish lives in the water.
He's a good swimmer.
Goldfish ,Goldfish, what do you see?I see a teacher looking at me.
look at the teacher, she is wearing a pair of glasses.
Kids do you know what a teacher does?She gives lessons to kids .
Teacher ,Teacher, what do you see?I see children looking at me.
How many children are there?Nine children.
Children, Children, what do you see?
we see a brown bear ,a red bird, a yellow duck, a blue horse ,a green frog ,a purple cat ,a white dog ,a black sheep, a goldfish ,and a teacher looking at us.
That's what we see .这就是我们所看到的。
kids ,look at the picture, Can you tell mommy or daddy what can you see in the picture?
