20. One man in a boat.

20. One man in a boat.

作者: 张无忌_ | 来源:发表于2016-07-23 22:11 被阅读47次

    1. 生词跟短语

    catch v. 抓到

    Cats catch mice.

    The thief was caughtby the police.

    catch a train 赶火车

    Kim has to wrok hard to catch up with the other students.

    They were caught in a storm.他们遭遇到了风暴。

    fisherman n.钓鱼人


    boot n. 靴子

    waste n. 浪费

    It's a waste of time.

    It's a waster of moeny.


    Don't waster yout time.

    You don't have to  waste your words on this matter.

    realize v. 意识

    Jim has realized his own mistakes.

    Kate realized that Nick was lying all the time.

    Tom realized his dream finally.

    2. 课文跟语法

    Fishing is my favourite soprt. I often fish for hours without catching anything. But this does not worry me . Some fishermen are unlucky. Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish. I an ever less lucky. I never catch anything-not even old boots After having spent whole mornings on the river, I always go home with an empty bag. 'You must give up fishing!' My frineds say.  It's a waste of time. But they don't realize one important thing. I'm not really interested in fishing. I am  only interested in sitting in a boat and  doing nothing at all!

    1. Fishing is my favourite...

    动词+ing 做动名词。

    Reading is an art.

    John likes playing tennis.  -> 动名词做宾语。

    2. ... fish for hous without catching anything.

    He solved the problem without difficulty.

    without doing 没有做某事。

    3. Instead of catching fish, they catch ...


    instead(adj.代替) of  代替,而不是。

    There is no coffee, We will have tea instead. 没有咖啡么了,我们喝茶吧。

    Nick is absent today. I will do the job instead.

    Paul will take the business trip instead of Eric.

    Let's go to the movies instead of staying at home.

    4. ... less lucky.


    less adv.更少。

    He is less smart.

    The stroy is less colorful.

    5. After having spent whole mornings on the river, I ...

    after doing

    After visiting the museum, we will take a rest.

    after having done.


    After having met a  friend at the cafe, I went to the office.

    After having taken the exam, he waited for the result anxiously.

    6. ... give up fishing!


    give up + n.

    He gave up the decision. 他放弃的这个决定。

    Nick decided to give up smoking and drinking.

    7. I'm not  really interested in ...


    be interested in ... 对...感兴趣。

    Michael is interested in history.

    Roy is interested in taking photos.

    3. 知识拓展


    give away 

    Lee can't believe that his  best friend gave him away. 背叛

    Bob gave away all his money to the poor.捐赠

    give in 屈服

    In the end, Nick was forced to give in .

    give off 发出,散发

    This flower gives off a rich perfume.

    give up

    Paul decided to give up drinking.

    give back

    Don't forget to give back my pen.



          本文标题:20. One man in a boat.
