Kotlin Weekly 中文周报 —— 120
Arrow v0.8.1 released (47deg.com)
Arrow V0.8.1 发布
We have just mentioned in the previous article Arrow, so it would be worth it to remind you that the new Arrow version has been released. Clicked on the above link to check all the included goodies.
我们刚才在前面的文章中提到了 Arrow,所以值得提醒你,新的 Arrow 版本已经发布了。 -
Android Developer - Kotlin (San Francisco)
Android 开发者 by Kotlin
We're looking for Android developers to help us redefine privacy and security in the digital age. We're working on a family of apps that make privacy and security easy for everyone. With over 70m users we're just getting started.
Join a highly skilled native mobile team.
我们正在寻找 Android 开发人员来帮助我们重新定义数字时代的隐私和安全。我们正在开发一个应用程序家庭,让每个人都能轻松的获得隐私和安全。超过 7000 万的用户,我们刚刚开始。
Kotlin fun and education on Twitter (blog.kotlin-academy.com)
Kotlin 在 Twitter 上的实践经验
Marcin Moskala's collection of Kotlin language tips & tricks.
Marcin Moskala 收集的 Kotlin 语言技巧和技巧。
Effective migration to Kotlin on Android (jlelse.eu)
从 Android 上的 Kotlin 迁移
Aris Papadopoulos has compiled a bunch of very nice tricks and suggestions to help you migration your Java Android app to Kotlin.
Aris Papadopoulos 编译了一堆非常好的技巧和建议,帮助你将 Java Android 应用程序迁移到 Kotlin。 -
Migrate your Android project to Kotlin 1.3 (medium.com)
将您的 Android 项目迁移到 Kotlin 1.3
Ta Tonthongkam shows how there's slightly more work to move to Kotlin 1.3 if you're using the experimental coroutine library.
TaTonthongkam 展示了如果你使用的是实验性的 coroutine 库,那么在 kotlin 1.3 中有更多的工作要做。 -
Explicit concurrency (medium.com)
Explicit concurrency(显式并发)
Roman Elizarov has written a few words about concurrency, and how to do it properly. An article worth reading from the Kotlin libraries Team Lead.
Roman Elizarov 写了几句关于并发性的话,以及如何正确处理。一篇值得从 Kotlin 图书馆团队阅读的文章。 -
Sealed (Class) with love (medium.com)
Hector de Isidro analyzes Sealed Classes, their insights, and where can we practically apply them.
赫克托 · 德伊斯德罗分析了密封类,他们的见解,我们在哪里可以实际应用它们。 -
Moving forward with Kotlin — Part 1: Properties (proandroiddev.com)
用 Kotlin 的『第 1 部分:属性』向前移动
Pablisco starts a series of articles detailing some of the unique features of Kotlin, especially for those coming from other programming languages.
Pablisco 开始了一系列文章,详细介绍了 Kotlin 的一些独特功能,特别是那些来自其他编程语言的文章。 -
Rendering Tests Using Robolectric (pspdfkit.com)
使用 robolectric 绘制测试
PSPDFKit is sharing a lot of their Kotlin knowledge with us about Kotlin. In this article, Tomas Surin wrote how they managed to rewrite their instrumentation PDF rendering tests as unit tests using the Roboelectric framework
pspdfkit 和我们分享了很多关于 kotlin 的知识。在这篇文章中,tomas surin 写了他们如何设法重写他们的仪器 pdf 渲染测试作为单元测试使用 roboelectric 框架 -
slidetoact (github.com)
A simple 'Slide to Unlock' Material widget for Android, written in Kotlin
Android上的一个简单 『滑动解锁』 控件 ,用 Kotlin 实现。 -
[LIBRARY] choco-ktx (github.com)
[LIBRARY] choco-ktx
Alejandro Gómez started studying discrete optimizations and using Choco Solver to solve some of the problems. And then he decided to create a small library to add extensions and a DSL to define constraints in a more readable format. This is how open source software is born. Check it out.
Alejandro Gómez 开始研究离散优化,并使用 Coco 求解器来解决一些问题。然后他决定创建一个小的库来添加扩展名和一个 DSL 来定义一个更可读的格式的约束,这就是开源软件的诞生。检查一下。