
作者: x2yline | 来源:发表于2018-01-19 17:53 被阅读555次


    1. 准备资料



    hsa-miR-146a-3p 20  48  20  20
    novel_mir217    45  20  20  20
    hsa-miR-548o-3p 20  40  20  20
    hsa-miR-378f    20  17703   20  20
    novel_mir857    20  38  20  20
    novel_mir1083   20  37  20  20
    novel_mir790    20  36  20  20
    novel_mir20 20  31  20  20
    novel_mir1517   20  25  20  20


    hsa-miR-146a-3p 20  0   20  20
    novel_mir217    20  0   20  20
    hsa-miR-548o-3p 20  0   20  20
    hsa-miR-378f    20  16  20  20
    novel_mir857    20  0   20  20
    novel_mir1083   20  0   20  20
    novel_mir790    20  0   20  20
    novel_mir20 20  0   20  20
    novel_mir1517   20  0   20  20

    在不同版本中输入文件的要求不同,一般第一列表头为GeneName,必需要有5列(如果只想计算gfold值,就只需要保证 Read Count所属的那列正确,其他列可以随意编造,如需要计算RPKM值则Gene exon length所属的那一列不能随意编造)程序才会正确运行,并且列分隔符必须为tab键('\t')

    在2015-05-24更新的V1.1.4版本中,列依次为GeneSymbol、GeneName、Read Count、Gene exon length、RPKM



    # raw data input
    file = "H358_Vector.gene.FPKM.xls"
    raw_data_Vec <- read.delim(file, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    file <- "H358_LSH.gene.FPKM.xls"
    raw_data_LSH <- read.delim(file, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    ## merge data into one table
    data_merged <- merge(raw_data_Vec[, c(1, 4)], raw_data_LSH[, c(1, 4)], by.x=1, by.y=1, all=TRUE)
    data_merged[is.na(data_merged)] <- 0
    ## prepare the input data for gfold
    data1 <- data.frame(data_merged[, c(1, 1, 2, 1, 2)])
    data2 <- data.frame(data_merged[, c(1, 1, 3, 1, 3)])
    colnames(data1) <- c("GeneSymbol", "GeneName1", "Read Count1", "Gene exon length1", "RPKM1")
    colnames(data2) <- c("GeneSymbol", "GeneName2", "Read Count2", "Gene exon length2", "RPKM2")
    write.table(data1, file="Sample1Vec.read_cnt", row.names=F, col.names=F, quote=F, sep="\t")
    write.table(data2, file="Sample2LSH.read_cnt", row.names=F, col.names=F, quote=F, sep="\t")
    ## gfold diff -s1 Sample1Vec.read_cnt -s2 Sample2LSH.read_cnt -o Sample1VSSample2.diff

    2. 软件安装(只能在linux上使用)

    2.1 安装 gsl-1.15

    # /mnt/e/win_linux/gsl 替换为自己的安装目录
    cd /mnt/e/win_linux/gsl
    vi ~/.bashrc
    export CXXFLAGS="-g -O3 -I/mnt/e/win_linux/gsl/include -L/mnt/e/win_linux/gsl/lib"
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/mnt/e/win_linux/gsl/lib:"$LD_LIBRARY_PATH 
    source ~/.bashrc
    wget ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gsl/gsl-2.2.tar.gz   
    tar zxf gsl-1.15.tar.gz
    cd gsl-1.15
    ./configure --prefix=/mnt/e/win_linux/gsl
    make install

    2.2 安装gfold

    cd ..
    ## 在这里https://bitbucket.org/feeldead/gfold/downloads/?tab=tags选择一个版本下载,
    ## 注意不要选择最上面tag为tip的(安装不了)
    wget https://bitbucket.org/feeldead/gfold/get/V1.1.4.zip
    unzip V1.1.4.zip
    cd feeldead-gfold-1921fd6dc668/
    ## 报错
    ## g++ -O3 -Wall -g main.cc -o gfold -lgsl -lgslcblas 
    ## In file included from GeneInfo.hpp:29:0,
    ##                  from main.cc:24:
    ## Utility.hpp:69:36: fatal error: gsl/gsl_statistics_int.h: No such file or directory
    ## compilation terminated.
    ## Makefile:11: recipe for target 'program' failed
    ## make: *** [program] Error 1
    ## 运行以下命令
    export CXXFLAGS="-g -O3 -I/mnt/e/win_linux/gsl/include -L/mnt/e/win_linux/gsl/lib"  
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/mnt/e/win_linux/gsl/lib:"$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    g++ -O3 -Wall -g main.cc -o gfold -lgsl -lgslcblas -I/mnt/e/win_linux/gsl/include -L/mnt/e/win_linux/gsl/lib
    ## 虽然显示warning 但是已经安装好了,有可执行文件gfold了
    ./gfold -h
    ##      =============================================================================== 
    ##          gfold    :   Generalized fold change for ranking differentially expressed   
    ##                       genes from RNA-seq data.
    ##          Author   :   Jianxing Feng (jianxing.tongji@gmail.com)
    ##            Date   :   Sun May 24 07:42:36 CST 2015
    ##          Version  :   V1.1.4
    ##      =============================================================================== 
    ##      USAGE:   Please go to the source code directory and use command 'man doc/gfold.man' 
    ##               or open doc/gfold.html to find documentation.
    ##      Quick Examples: 
    ##               gfold count -ann hg19Ref.gtf -tag sample1.sam -o sample1.read_cnt          
    ##               gfold count -ann hg19Ref.gtf -tag sample2.sam -o sample2.read_cnt          
    ##               gfold diff -s1 sample1 -s2 sample2 -suf .read_cnt -o sample1VSsample2.diff 
    rm -rf *.zip
    mv feeldead-gfold-1921fd6dc668/ gfold.V1.1.4
    echo "alias gfold='/mnt/e/win_linux/gfold.V1.1.4/gfold'" >> ~/.profile
    source ~/.profile
    gfold -h

    3. 运行gfold筛选差异基因

    # s1为样本1,s2为样本2,o为output,suf为后缀名(省略则默认表示为空)
    gfold diff -s1 Sample1.read_cnt -s2 Sample2.read_cnt -o Sample1VSSample2.diff
    ## 与该命令等价的命令:
    ## gfold diff -s1 Sample1 -s2 Sample2 -suf .read_cnt -o Sample1VSSample2.diff
    ## -VL1 Loading read count for each gene from file Vector.read_cnt ...
    ## -VL1 1935 genes have been scanned
    ## -VL1 Loading read count for each gene from file LSH.read_cnt ...
    ## -VL1 1935 genes have been scanned
    ## -VL1 Calculating normalization constant ...
    ## -VL1 Normalization constant is: 
    ##      Vector.read_cnt    2.3238e+07    1.04573
    ##     LSH.read_cnt    2.80085e+07    1
    ## -VL1 Calculate RPKM ...
    ## -VL1 Calculate accurate GFOLD value ...
    ## 等待一段时间
    ## Job diff is DONE!

    4. 结果解释

    # This file is generated by gfold V1.1.4 on Fri Jan 19 21:19:05 2018
    # Normalization constants :
    #    Sample1N.read_cnt  6802895 1.35542
    #    Sample2N.read_cnt  12483845    1
    # The GFOLD value could be considered as a reliable log2 fold change.
    # It is positive/negative if the gene is up/down regulated.
    # A gene with zero GFOLD value should never be considered as 
    # differentially expressed. For a comprehensive description of 
    # GFOLD, please refer to the manual.
    #GeneSymbol GeneName    GFOLD(0.01) E-FDR   log2fdc 1stRPKM 2ndRPKM
    novel_mir1585   NA  6.45001 1   9.19028 0   3444.45
    hsa-miR-4664-5p NA  5.70336 1   8.44996 0   2058.66
    novel_mir252    NA  4.13781 1   6.91447 0   704.911
    novel_mir1060   NA  3.64411 1   6.43874 0   504.652

    4.1 GFOLD

    A gene with zero GFOLD value should never be considered as differentially expressed.

    The GFOLD value could be considered as a reliable log2 fold change.

    It is positive/negative if the gene is up/down regulated.

    注:如果GFOLD大于0说明Sample2的表达高于sample1,基因上调(表示为Sample1 VS Sample2)

    4.2 E-FDR

    Empirical FDR based on replicates. It is always 1 when no replicates are available


    4.3 log2fdc

    log2 fold change. If no replicate is available, and -acc is T, log2 fold change is based on read counts and normalization constants. Otherwise, log2 fold change is based on the sampled expression level from the posterior distribution.


    log2fdc表示log2(fold change),该值默认是经校正的count值改变倍数取log2

    4.3 RPKM

    由于我输入的Gene exon length是假的,因此最后两列没有意义




