【经济学人赏析】Wise qiouice(6)

【经济学人赏析】Wise qiouice(6)

作者: Ph5陈玉梅 | 来源:发表于2018-12-28 13:40 被阅读231次

Paragraph 6

①The word is used self-deprecatingly, not as a form of abuse. ②But that does not make it any more acceptable to the party, which likes to think of young Chinese as brimming with confidence in their ability to lead a prosperous life. ③Qiou is used to describe the angst of many young Chinese who feel excluded from a society that obsesses over physical appearance and wealth. ④The mainstream view is that desirable men are gao-fu-shuai—tall, rich and handsome. ⑤And the ideal woman is bai-fumei—pale-skinned, rich and beautiful. ⑥As one bitter commentator quipped, “Once qiou, always qiou.”


be brimming (over) with   
to have a lot of a particular thing, quality, or emotion.充满[某种事务、品质或情感]

例:花坛里开满了鲜花:The flowerbeds were brimming over with flowers.

angst  焦虑不安,烦恼,程度比anxiety/unhappiness/worry强。这个词很鲜活的表现了当今中国部分年轻人感觉被主流社会排除在外的焦虑程度。

exclude sth from sth 把..排出在外
如:这篇报道特意不采用部分数据。Some of the data was specifically excluded from the report.
注意:在日常英语中,人们一般说:leave something/smoeone out,而不说exclude something 
如:Some information was left out of the report.

obsess over  痴迷于

他痴迷于画画并在一天中总是超过12小时呆在画室。He obsesses over about painting and always takes more than 12 hours in studio a day.



      本文标题:【经济学人赏析】Wise qiouice(6)
