"Go straight down to cross the village and ignore anything happening around--that's the only chance to save yourself !" The kind famer warned. Feeling thankful and horrible, the scholar appreciated him and leaved.
What a strange village ! Its apparentness looked dark and cool with the small rain. Suddenly, the scholar saw an old woman sitting on the floor. The old woman told him that her husband had been ill so she had to collect some herbal medicine for him outside the village. But in the rain, it was so wet and she was so old that she fell down and failed to stand up and walk with her hurt leg. The scholar fought strugglingly himself for a long time and finally decided to carry the old woman on his back to send her home.
By and by, the village was peace. Evil spirits came out one by one. When they saw the scholar, they all kneeled down.
One new evil spirit, feeling so unusual, asked his leader "Why don't we rush out and catch the scholar to eat?" The other answered "Are you crazy? Can't you see the Bodhisattva on his back ?!"