

作者: 杉杉妈Alice | 来源:发表于2023-06-30 23:05 被阅读0次



Your present circumstances don't

determine where you can go; they

merely determine where you start.


  -Nido Qubein

Today I take the video and took thephoto but I think the photoit is not very good so I didn't put it here

This afternoon when I back home, she  also just back home .  Because she went to swimming with her father .

Tomorrow is  Sunday .  This is the first Sunday I want to go to the studio so I have all day to company with my daughter.

Tomorrow, her grandmother need to have a match with someone.

But she can back home before lunch time.  At that time suddenly I thought we can go outside to have lunch in the restaurant and before I find the part time job. I said I can to invite them to  go outside to have lunch or dinneg.

Last month, we have no time  together , Sometimes her grandparents have no time or I have no time or lucky has no time.

In the evening we do the housework together and we watch the movie together.

And also I think today she is happy.


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