

作者: 不连续小姐 | 来源:发表于2019-03-16 20:07 被阅读3次

Book 14: Surely You are joking Mr. Feynman

2019, NJ

很久以前 tim 就喜欢费曼。那个时候的我,too young too naive. 去年阿秋山楂也说一定要看费曼阿! 我今年就看了一下。 啊呀!我好喜欢费曼阿。

数学 homotopy 之前的都 pretty good,
鼓不离手的练节奏可以到club 和音乐厅表演,
但是按他自己的话说就是, i practiced hard!

我抄了书里面的一些生活态度,音乐,数学,画画,和好搞笑的小故事。像3.14, e当密码,在赌场里算概率这些事情,我真的听得到共鸣。

很早的时候看一个采访,张朝阳说,他喜欢自然,有弹性的人,像皮球一样,你捏一下,会调皮的。费曼就是这种好真实的人一样。他知道自己聪明,但是又好努力。他不假装绅士,对不喜欢的人就直接说bitch. 看到好看的前台小蜜,也会自己说喜欢和她调一下情。不接受教职工作因为钱太多了,他就可以金屋藏娇,不会搞物理了。大概是他强大到可以这么任性吧!

今年要再看一次中文版的,看看有没有遗漏什么 :)

**Life Attitude **

The first principle is that you must not fool yourself-- and you are the easiest person to fool. So you have to be very careful about that

An attitude that anything can happen, in spite of what you are pretty sure should happen.

I eventually got to be the head of the team.

Notice Connections
I went of all places unitl i got it

You should find out how the rest world is

it was beautifully engineered


i could do that, but i won't, which is another way of saying you can't

You have no responsilibity to live up to what other people think you ought to accomplish, i have no responsibity to be like they expected me to be. it is their mistake, not mine failing

I thought to myself: you know where you learn all that stuff?
-- From Mary Lou

Good, Give me one example, I can't understand anything in general unless i'm carrying along in my mind a specific example and watching it go

Concentrate on your breath, on how it goes in and out of your nose as you breathe


他没有怎么说他第二个妻子,但是就是那一句,这些知识都是从mary Lou 那里学来的,就很打动我。我会想,会不会有人去博物馆,听到某些音乐的时候,想起我跟他们讲过的那些瓷器的故事,或者想起原来有个女生跟我拉过这个曲子...


French Curve: lowest point in each curve, no matter how you turn it, the tagent is horizontal

Eye's were beaming with happiness

Immeasurable theory

Cut an orange in finite many pieces and put it together
it is as big as the sum?
but you said an orange!
we assumed continuity

Hausdorff homorphic

i got up to Homotopy groups.

At lease I'm living, at least i m doing something, at least i'm making some contributions.

Is there a better way to present the material?

are there any new problems associated with them?

e^2.3 is about 10

Familiar with Log tables

1729.03 cube roots is about 12.002

Solve problem by trial and error

Dirac Equation

Dresden Codes (584 ≈ 583.923)

He thinks i'm following the steps mathematically, but that's not what i'm doing. I have the specific, physical example of what he's trying to analyze.

我超级喜欢这部分,为什么数学家都喜欢拿桔子作比喻。没有什么苹果,葡萄柚之类的。 他说数学家眼睛里有光。我相信的,因为我真的看到过!还有hausdorff space. 我记得80说hausdorff 是一个很孤独的空间,因为无论多近的两点总能被分开成两个集合。

In a Hausdorff space, any point and a disjoint compact subspace can be separated by open sets

还有他说和他比心算的那个人,只是靠算盘算,他没有真的理解这些数。不止要背9*9 乘法表,看来对数表也很有用。


我们玩狼人杀的时候,有人把Alex 投出去,说他已经拿了三把好人,这次是狼人的概率会很大。
Alex 特别生气,说it is ok to vote me out, but with a bunch of mathematicians, every draw is an independent event! you got to give me a better reason!

我有好多后悔的事情,但是教书的时候没有很用心是我最后悔的事情之一。80 会准备的好仔细。哪里讲故事,哪里讲笑话,哪里讲定义和例子。他会自己想怎么解释continuous δ,ε 的方法。我通常就是拿了他的方法,照葫芦画瓢,没有自己好好想过,我要怎么讲。
除了fibonacci sequence 我结合了音乐的理论和音程。自己没有很好的准备过课。大概现在才这么努力写blog 吧。

Funny Random Stories

you mix white and red you'll get yellow
Feynman: you mean pink?

people's hands smell very different

Will you sleep with me tonight?

You can buy whatever, Cause you are paying for it!

May I observe your garden

After reading the salary, I've decided i must refuse.....
With the salary I can get a wonderful mistress....
I wouldn't be able to do physics well, and it will be a big mess.

Frog talks written as "brek, kek, kek". I thought, "No frog eve made a sound like that; that's crazy way to describe it". so i tried it, and after practicing it awhile, i realized that it's very accurately what a frog says.

他好可爱,学青蛙叫, 我能观察你的花园吗,不是看哦!要女生自己付账...


I got kicked out of succeeding at something I wasn't supposed to be able to do

Everything was entirely memorized yet, nothing had been translated to meaniful words

He never said it was wrong, he never put me down.

In math/physics methods, that we never stop telling students how to do things, the drawing teacher is afraid to tell you anything.

physics teacher has the problem of always teaching techniques, rather than the spirit, of how to go about solving physical problems

Sistine Chapel, Raphael Room (2 paints are not good)

Au Fait

I ended up draw face, because i don't know how to bring it up the subject of posing nude

Magnetic field lines(it was similar to a girl's flowing hair), I wanted to draw something beautiful that no artist would think to draw.

Art gives somebody, individually, pleasure. In science, it's sort of general and large: You don't know the individuals who have appreciated it directly

I practiced drawing all the time, and became very intresting.

If i was at a meeting that wasn't going anywhere, I would draw other people

I had a little pad of paper I kept with me and I practiced drawing whereever I want. So, as Jerry taught me, I worked very hard.

我小时候搬到长沙, 妈妈换了工作,事业不是很顺心。他们也要开会,我妈妈单位上90年代国企领导就是饭桶,还是很坏的人。他们自己没文化,还要嫉妒我妈妈。 我有的时候翻我妈妈的本子, 我记得都是一版一版的字。后来妈妈才说,开会的时候她很烦,只有练字能让她安心。 这么多年过去了,那些饭桶领导都不知道去哪里了,但是我妈妈因为有自己的追求,现在是个小有名气的书画家了。我虽然总是说我妈妈的"坏话",但是bottom line 我心里好尊重她的一点就是不管面对什么样的生活境遇,她一直在写字画画。 有的时候我也会好累啊,但是看到我妈妈从来没有停过,我也就抗过去了。 p.s. 我妈妈也总说我的坏话。 那天我说我要练字。她很认真地跟我说,你别写了,你那个字等下越写越差,还不如不写,起码不会更差。哈哈哈...

费曼说他的朋友教他画画从来都想办法鼓励他。我想到yuki, 她总说i really like your musical idea, but you have to play the right music! 总是鼓励我, you can be a lot sexier while you play this phrase. 我总是怕音不准. 她说,just be brave! even it is wrong, nobody is gunna to notice it. 她是第一个跟我说, you play very well, it is obvious you had formal training and you will be great!


Drum( Africa vs Ithaca)

Nigeria Ukonu (bongos)

at one of the night clubs, he invited me to come up on stage with them and play a little. So i got up there with the other guys and played along with them on the drum for a little while

after practicing again and again I finally got it straight and played it in the show. I was pretty successful.

That had to be the same: that was hard.

好几个人都问我,为什么还要学琴?我不知道,我就是想学。我知道我也不可能去真的表演什么的。但是我希望,如果有一天,有一个机会,有一个小小的舞台,公司聚会也好,餐厅酒吧什么的。当有人问我,可不可以perform 一下的时候。我的答案是像费曼一样,可以
而不是面对机会的时候只会说,我原来拉过小提琴哦! 我小时候学过哦!

Feynman Recommendation

Brazil Hotel Miramar (copa cabana)
Fanqants de copacabana
O America outra vez
Italy, Sistine Chapel, Raphael Room
My favorite word: Osmosis, 中文是渗透 ,大概是 润物细无声吧 :)

Happy Reading!



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