
作者: CoderMiner | 来源:发表于2018-12-17 17:44 被阅读34次

    首发于个人博客 CoderMiner技术博客 http://coderminer.com

    sokra/rawact stars:2314 forks:42

    项目描述:[POC] A babel plugin which compiles React.js components into native DOM instructions to eliminate the need for the react library at runtime.

    CarGuo/GSYGithubAppKotlin stars:308 forks:25

    项目描述:超完整的Android Kotlin 项目,功能丰富,适合学习和日常使用。GSYGithubApp系列的优势:目前已经拥有Flutter、Weex、ReactNative、Kotlin四个版本。 功能齐全,项目框架内技术涉及面广,完成度高。开源Github客户端App,更好的体验,更丰富的功能,旨在更好的日常管理和维护个人Github,提供更好更方便的驾车体验Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ。同款Weex版本: https://github.com/CarGuo/GSYGithubAppWeex 、同款React Native版本 : https://github.com/CarGuo/GSYGithubApp 、 同款Flutter版本: https://github.com/CarGuo/GSYGithubAppFlutter

    Rocketseat/ambiente-react-native stars:113 forks:45

    项目描述:📱Configuração de ambiente de desenvolvimento React Native no Windows, Linux e OS X (Mac)

    franciscop/router stars:84 forks:2

    项目描述:🛣 A 2kb React router that works exactly as expected with native Javascript

    VitorCodes/react-native-motion-slider stars:42 forks:3

    项目描述:High-quality slider with a stunning UI / UX.

    wcandillon/can-it-be-done-in-react-native stars:38 forks:7

    项目描述:Code samples from the "Can it be done in React Native?" YouTube series

    janiokq/react-native-nlist stars:35 forks:3

    项目描述:原生Listview Native lListView react-native encapsulation Memory recovery reusing High performance

    DaiYz/react-native-easy-chat-ui stars:29 forks:1

    项目描述:chat UI for React Native

    duf1991/DYFBuyApp stars:23 forks:4


    EvanBacon/pixi-snake stars:22 forks:2

    项目描述:🐍🎮 PIXI.js Snake game made in Expo & React Native 👾

    krestaino/markets-react stars:22 forks:1

    项目描述:📈 Check the stock market, from your phone!

    callstackincubator/bs-react-navigation stars:18 forks:0

    项目描述:A fast, declarative navigation for React Native, based on React Navigation

    Bruno-Furtado/fastbuy-app stars:14 forks:10

    项目描述:App to manage the products of the FastBuy Store (built with React Native and Redux).

    a289459798/react-native-sideslip stars:13 forks:0


    expo/sdk-31-with-hooks-experimental stars:13 forks:1

    项目描述:An empty project using a fork of React Native and an alpha version of React in order to somewhat support hooks

    slorber/react-native-alert-async stars:11 forks:1

    项目描述:An Alert.alert that you can await

    Jobeso/react-native-whatsapp-stickers stars:11 forks:1

    项目描述:Integrate sticker packs for WhatsApp with your react-native app

    logisticinfotech/react-native-custom-swiper stars:10 forks:1


    derrickbeining/react-atom stars:9 forks:0

    项目描述:A simple, principled way to manage shared state in React

    leksyib/react-native-video-component stars:8 forks:2

    项目描述:Simple video player component with easy, slick controls.

    更多精彩内容 http://coderminer.com



