

作者: 怀老师 | 来源:发表于2021-09-22 09:40 被阅读0次

How to fix the “No manual entry for {command}” man error
Sometimes you will encounter an error like this when trying to use man:

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$ man vmstat
No manual entry for vmstat
To fix this, first check that you have the following rpms installed:

yum install -y man-pages yum install -y man-db
Next run the mandb command to populate/update the mandb database:

$ mandb
Then run the following command, to try to find the man .gz man file.

$ yum whatprovides /vmstat..gz
In your case you replace ‘vmstat’ with whatever command that you’re having problems with.

Now if that packages isn’t installed, then install it. in my case it was already installed, but the file itself was missing for some reason:

$ file /usr/share/man/man8/vmstat.8.gz
/usr/share/man/man8/vmstat.8.gz: cannot open (No such file or directory)
In this situation, just reinstall the rpm again:

$ yum reinstall procps

I try it:

yum remove procps

yum install procps

LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory

sudo yum search Chinese

sudo yum install langpacks-zh_CN

rm -rf /etc/profile.d/locale.sh
rm -rf /etc/locale.conf
rm -rf /etc/sysconfig/i18n
rm -rf /etc/environment


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