

作者: 小蜗牛爬楼梯 | 来源:发表于2020-04-07 15:19 被阅读0次





    func newBlockfileMgr(id string, conf *Conf, indexConfig *blkstorage.IndexConfig, indexStore *leveldbhelper.DBHandle) *blockfileMgr {
       logger.Debugf("newBlockfileMgr() initializing file-based block storage for ledger: %s ", id)
       //Determine the root directory for the blockfile storage, if it does not exist create it
       rootDir := conf.getLedgerBlockDir(id)
       _, err := util.CreateDirIfMissing(rootDir)
       if err != nil {
          panic(fmt.Sprintf("Error creating block storage root dir [%s]: %s", rootDir, err))
       // Instantiate the manager, i.e. blockFileMgr structure
       mgr := &blockfileMgr{rootDir: rootDir, conf: conf, db: indexStore}
       // cp = checkpointInfo, retrieve from the database the file suffix or number of where blocks were stored.
       // It also retrieves the current size of that file and the last block number that was written to that file.
       // At init checkpointInfo:latestFileChunkSuffixNum=[0], latestFileChunksize=[0], lastBlockNumber=[0]
       cpInfo, err := mgr.loadCurrentInfo()
       if err != nil {
          panic(fmt.Sprintf("Could not get block file info for current block file from db: %s", err))
       if cpInfo == nil {
          logger.Info(`Getting block information from block storage`)
          if cpInfo, err = constructCheckpointInfoFromBlockFiles(rootDir); err != nil {
             panic(fmt.Sprintf("Could not build checkpoint info from block files: %s", err))
          logger.Debugf("Info constructed by scanning the blocks dir = %s", spew.Sdump(cpInfo))
       } else {
          logger.Debug(`Synching block information from block storage (if needed)`)
          syncCPInfoFromFS(rootDir, cpInfo)
       err = mgr.saveCurrentInfo(cpInfo, true)
       if err != nil {
          panic(fmt.Sprintf("Could not save next block file info to db: %s", err))
       //Open a writer to the file identified by the number and truncate it to only contain the latest block
       // that was completely saved (file system, index, cpinfo, etc)
       currentFileWriter, err := newBlockfileWriter(deriveBlockfilePath(rootDir, cpInfo.latestFileChunkSuffixNum))
       if err != nil {
          panic(fmt.Sprintf("Could not open writer to current file: %s", err))
       //Truncate the file to remove excess past last block
       err = currentFileWriter.truncateFile(cpInfo.latestFileChunksize)
       if err != nil {
          panic(fmt.Sprintf("Could not truncate current file to known size in db: %s", err))
       // Create a new KeyValue store database handler for the blocks index in the keyvalue database
       if mgr.index, err = newBlockIndex(indexConfig, indexStore); err != nil {
          panic(fmt.Sprintf("error in block index: %s", err))
       // Update the manager with the checkpoint info and the file writer
       mgr.cpInfo = cpInfo
       mgr.currentFileWriter = currentFileWriter
       // Create a checkpoint condition (event) variable, for the  goroutine waiting for
       // or announcing the occurrence of an event.
       mgr.cpInfoCond = sync.NewCond(&sync.Mutex{})
       // init BlockchainInfo for external API's
       bcInfo := &common.BlockchainInfo{
          Height:            0,
          CurrentBlockHash:  nil,
          PreviousBlockHash: nil}
       if !cpInfo.isChainEmpty {
          //If start up is a restart of an existing storage, sync the index from block storage and update BlockchainInfo for external API's
          lastBlockHeader, err := mgr.retrieveBlockHeaderByNumber(cpInfo.lastBlockNumber)
          if err != nil {
             panic(fmt.Sprintf("Could not retrieve header of the last block form file: %s", err))
          lastBlockHash := lastBlockHeader.Hash()
          previousBlockHash := lastBlockHeader.PreviousHash
          bcInfo = &common.BlockchainInfo{
             Height:            cpInfo.lastBlockNumber + 1,
             CurrentBlockHash:  lastBlockHash,
             PreviousBlockHash: previousBlockHash}
       return mgr


    • 组装checkpoint,要不从账本文件中抽取,要不从db中拿到,要不就重新创建,如上,主要是记录block在底层存储文件中的位置。
    • 组装blockchaininfo, 主要是记录前一个和当前block的hash,以及整个blockchain的高度。
    • 新建writer,指定紧接着最新block后面的位置开始写入
    type checkpointInfo struct {
       latestFileChunkSuffixNum int 最新block所在的文件num
       latestFileChunksize      int 下一个block在文件的起始位置
       isChainEmpty             bool 是否是空账本
       lastBlockNumber          uint64 最新的blocknum


    func (mgr *blockfileMgr) addBlock(block *common.Block) error {
       bcInfo := mgr.getBlockchainInfo()
       if block.Header.Number != bcInfo.Height {
          return errors.Errorf(
             "block number should have been %d but was %d",
             mgr.getBlockchainInfo().Height, block.Header.Number,
       // Add the previous hash check - Though, not essential but may not be a bad idea to
       // verify the field `block.Header.PreviousHash` present in the block.
       // This check is a simple bytes comparison and hence does not cause any observable performance penalty
       // and may help in detecting a rare scenario if there is any bug in the ordering service.
       if !bytes.Equal(block.Header.PreviousHash, bcInfo.CurrentBlockHash) {
          return errors.Errorf(
             "unexpected Previous block hash. Expected PreviousHash = [%x], PreviousHash referred in the latest block= [%x]",
             bcInfo.CurrentBlockHash, block.Header.PreviousHash,
       blockBytes, info, err := serializeBlock(block)
       if err != nil {
          return errors.WithMessage(err, "error serializing block")
       blockHash := block.Header.Hash()
       //Get the location / offset where each transaction starts in the block and where the block ends
       txOffsets := info.txOffsets
       currentOffset := mgr.cpInfo.latestFileChunksize
       blockBytesLen := len(blockBytes)
       blockBytesEncodedLen := proto.EncodeVarint(uint64(blockBytesLen))
       totalBytesToAppend := blockBytesLen + len(blockBytesEncodedLen)
       //Determine if we need to start a new file since the size of this block
       //exceeds the amount of space left in the current file
       if currentOffset+totalBytesToAppend > mgr.conf.maxBlockfileSize {
          currentOffset = 0
       //append blockBytesEncodedLen to the file
       err = mgr.currentFileWriter.append(blockBytesEncodedLen, false)
       if err == nil {
          //append the actual block bytes to the file
          err = mgr.currentFileWriter.append(blockBytes, true)
       if err != nil {
          truncateErr := mgr.currentFileWriter.truncateFile(mgr.cpInfo.latestFileChunksize)
          if truncateErr != nil {
             panic(fmt.Sprintf("Could not truncate current file to known size after an error during block append: %s", err))
          return errors.WithMessage(err, "error appending block to file")
       //Update the checkpoint info with the results of adding the new block
       currentCPInfo := mgr.cpInfo
       newCPInfo := &checkpointInfo{
          latestFileChunkSuffixNum: currentCPInfo.latestFileChunkSuffixNum,
          latestFileChunksize:      currentCPInfo.latestFileChunksize + totalBytesToAppend,
          isChainEmpty:             false,
          lastBlockNumber:          block.Header.Number}
       //save the checkpoint information in the database
       if err = mgr.saveCurrentInfo(newCPInfo, false); err != nil {
          truncateErr := mgr.currentFileWriter.truncateFile(currentCPInfo.latestFileChunksize)
          if truncateErr != nil {
             panic(fmt.Sprintf("Error in truncating current file to known size after an error in saving checkpoint info: %s", err))
          return errors.WithMessage(err, "error saving current file info to db")
       //Index block file location pointer updated with file suffex and offset for the new block
       blockFLP := &fileLocPointer{fileSuffixNum: newCPInfo.latestFileChunkSuffixNum}
       blockFLP.offset = currentOffset
       // shift the txoffset because we prepend length of bytes before block bytes
       for _, txOffset := range txOffsets {
          txOffset.loc.offset += len(blockBytesEncodedLen)
       //save the index in the database
       if err = mgr.index.indexBlock(&blockIdxInfo{
          blockNum: block.Header.Number, blockHash: blockHash,
          flp: blockFLP, txOffsets: txOffsets, metadata: block.Metadata}); err != nil {
          return err
       //update the checkpoint info (for storage) and the blockchain info (for APIs) in the manager
       mgr.updateBlockchainInfo(blockHash, block)
       return nil
    • 这不,马上就用到了blockchaininfo。一上来就是两个判断,其实就是要保证block前后都必须连续。
    • 这里又用到checkpointinfo,拿到最后那个文件我写到哪了。
    • 计算该block的大小加当前文件的offset是否超过了单个文件size,换句话说就是最后那个block文件能不能放得下,放不下,就顺延到下个文件,从头开始。这里需要注意的是moveToNextFile这里会去更新checkpoint为下个文件的0位置。
    • 又用到writer了,接下来正式将block写进去,过程中如果报错,那事情就大了,回滚掉这次写入。如果没有问题,更新checkpoint。这个东西实在重要,没它根本玩不转。甚至于block写成功了,cp如果没有成功入库,连block都要回滚掉。
    • 更新block里面每个tx的offset,txOffset.loc.offset += len(blockBytesEncodedLen),这里的技巧是txoffset写入的时候是相对blockbytes的位置, 而对应到blockfile的话就不一样,每个block是blocklen+blockbytes组成,txoffset的位置当然也要偏移blocklen才正确
    • 新进来了block,索引当然也要做必要的更新,blockchaininfo也是,checkpointInfo很怪这里又更新一遍,记得么,前面写入文件后不是已经入库了么。
    func (mgr *blockfileMgr) updateCheckpoint(cpInfo *checkpointInfo) {
       defer mgr.cpInfoCond.L.Unlock()
       mgr.cpInfo = cpInfo
       logger.Debugf("Broadcasting about update checkpointInfo: %s", cpInfo)
    func (itr *blocksItr) waitForBlock(blockNum uint64) uint64 {
        defer itr.mgr.cpInfoCond.L.Unlock()
        for itr.mgr.cpInfo.lastBlockNumber < blockNum && !itr.shouldClose() {
            logger.Debugf("Going to wait for newer blocks. maxAvailaBlockNumber=[%d], waitForBlockNum=[%d]",
                itr.mgr.cpInfo.lastBlockNumber, blockNum)
            logger.Debugf("Came out of wait. maxAvailaBlockNumber=[%d]", itr.mgr.cpInfo.lastBlockNumber)
        return itr.mgr.cpInfo.lastBlockNumber







