Skin in the game
by Nassim Nicholas Taleb [纳西姆• 尼古拉斯• 塔勒布]
阅读日期: 2019.6
这本书是塔勒布的Incerto-- 不确定性 五部曲的第五部。
其他两部比较有名的有 黑天鹅 和 反脆弱 。万维纲老师曾在【精英日课】中介绍过这本书,个人更喜欢他的翻译,觉得《利益攸关》更加贴切主题,虽然“风险共担”这个翻译不能说错,但总觉得有些生硬。
Part 1. 被再次总结了的
The Golden Rule v.s. The Silver Rule 黄金法则对白银法则
The golden rule, wants you to treat others the way you would like them to treat you.
The more robust Silver Rule says,
Don't treat others the way you would like not them to treat you.
(白银法则的意思不就是我们常说的 己所不欲勿施于人 吗?!
- Universal behavior is great on paper, disastrous in practice.
Fat Tony's motto
Start by being nice to every person you meet. But if someone tries to exercise power over you, exercise power over him.
(以其人之道还其人之身。) -
You do not want to win an argument. You want to win.
Those who talk should do and only those who do should talk.
Soul in the game
- If you do not take risks for your opinion, you are nothing.
- 对于我们大多数人来说这个世界你能想到的idea,其中99.99%别人早已想到并且做了,至少有人在做。也许你会问:“我怎么没有看到有人在做?”,答案有两个,一是这个点子别人尝试后要么失败要么发现并没有价值,二是可能你根本没有花时间去了解或研究,只是自己认为好就随口给了其他人意见。所以,idea并不稀缺,稀缺的是执行力和skin in the game。
- 好点子常有,好建议很多,问题是谁来执行?谁又要为此承担后果?)
The most effective, shame-free policy is maximal transparency, even transparency of intentions.
Another Fat Tony's wisdom
action without talk supersedes talk without action.
- Bureaucracy is a construction by which a person is conveniently separated from the consequences of his or her actions.
Best dressed business plan
- Most big recent successes were started by people with skin and soul in the game and grew organically…… funding was not the prime source of creation, you don't create a firm by creating a firm, nor do you do science by doing science.
Part 2. 人生中可执行的价值观
Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.
(有些不快乐的根源不就是因为没完没了的欲望么?中文是博大精深的,如果用一个词概括上面这句话的意思,应该是“喜新厌旧”这四个字吧?那么这里可不可以引用佛学的 Tanha这一个词就概括呢?) -
Beware of the person who gives advice, telling you that a certain action on your part is 'good for you', while it is also good for him, while the harm to you doesn't directly affect him.
(有些人给你的建议,说是为你好,实质上却是为了ta自己,而你是要为这个行动所带来的负面影响承担后果的人。辨明真的朋友或是合作伙伴,很多时候还得事儿上看。) -
The abrasions of your skin guide your learning and discovery. - what Greeks called pathemata mathemata -- guide your learning through pain.
(learning by doing的代价。问题一般分3类,单纯问题、两难问题、棘手问题,对于棘手问题,没有先例和终极答案,没有对错,也没有试错练习,大到解决全球变暖问题,小到孩子上什么学校会怎样影响孩子今后的人生......这些只能承担“擦伤皮肤”的风险去做。) -
You will never fully convince someone that he is wrong; only reality can.
(说服他人的唯一有效方式是现实(的结果),“不撞南墙不回头?”) -
There is no evolution without skin in the game.
Part 3. 最精彩的
No muscles without strength,
friendship without trust,
opinion without consequence,
change without aesthetics,
age without values,
life without effort,
water without thirst,
food without nourishment,
love without sacrifice,
power without fairness,
facts without rigor,
statistics without logic,
mathematics without proof,
teaching without experience,
politeness without warmth,
values without embodiment,
degrees without erudition,
militarism without fortitude,
progress without civilization,
friendship without investment,
virtue without risk,
probability without ergodicity,
wealth without exposure,
complication without depth,
fluency without content,
decision without asymmetry,
science without skepticism,
religion without tolerance,
and, most of all:
nothing without skin in the game.