CC1 Lily or Daisy

CC1 Lily or Daisy

作者: 半城_37cb | 来源:发表于2018-03-13 23:07 被阅读0次

As the saying goes, there are two people ineveryone’s mind. Do you agree with that?  I have two people in my mind. One is Daisy,the other is Lili.

Daisy is brave and challenge-oriented, whileLili is afraid of failure and challenge.

Take this presentation for example.

When Sandro comes to me, asking me whetherI would like to take the apportunity to have CC1. Lili hesitates to say , you haveno experience and you would feel shamed of your poor performance.  You would stand on the stage trembling withnothing to say.  LiLi just tells me thatI should think deeper before making the final decision and she reminds me of thehorrible moments on stage. Yes, I feel sick of the stageespecially when I stand on the stage trembling with no words coming out of mythroat. My mind is blank with no idea. My body feels cold with tension. TheAudience looks at me like watching something weired. (just like you ).

And then, Daisy says: seize everyappotunity to make progress. Even if you don’t perform well this time, youwould be proud of yourself. Every mistake you make is a stone for the road tosuccess. Yes, I know that I couldn’t perform as well as the counterpartlike evany and xx. And I know for sure that I couldn’t get the prize for the nextfew speeches because there is a long way to go before I can catch up with them,our distinguished members and mentors. But I may walk slow but I never turnback. I could make progress with the help of my mentor and try to be better.

I just remember the last time I visitSunshine toastmaster’s meeting. I didn’t figured out the rules of table topicsat that time. I thought the only thing I need to do is to go to stage and readthe question aloud. Then I went to the stage and read the question as loud aspossible. And repeated   again and again. But the audience was silent.It seemed no one wanted to answer my question. Fortunatelly,a handdsome  foreigner went to the stageto help me out . We decided to play roles to answer the question. But the play isa disaster. I was terribly embarrassed throughout the meeting. But now lookingback, I know that it’s not only shameful but interesting. Have you ever seen someone anticipates the table topic session by asking question aloud. And then thecrazy girl plays a role with a total unkown foreign stranger.

Thanks Daisy, the bold person in my mind tolet me take every challenge. So I stand here tonight. You feel nervous andhesitating all the away throughout your life, because you are human being withLili in your mind. Let Daisy decides and let Lili hesitates. Feel happy about Daisy’sdecision. Fell easy about Lili’s being shy.


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