常精进English D3 Supergril Negotiat

常精进English D3 Supergril Negotiat

作者: 飞仙时空 | 来源:发表于2021-06-27 18:24 被阅读0次

    #常精进English 3 Supergril Negotiate with Lex Luther

    Lex: Ah, the maid of might(强大力量). What a surprise.

    Kara(Supergirl): We know you've placed satellites around the world,

    and when they sync up, they'll send out a signal

    killing everyone you haven't brainwashed(洗脑).

    Lex: What do you want? A gold star?

    Kara: I want you to disable the satellites.

    You do that, I'll give you what you've always wanted.

    Lex: What's that? And don't say hair, that's *low-hanging fruit*.

    Kara: Me.

    Lex: Well, that is tempting.

    I assume there's no strings(线,绳) attached,

    no trap(陷阱), no attempt to outwit(瞒骗) me.

    Or has the razzle dazzle of my immortality(不朽) made you forget that I'm the smartest man alive?

    Do you really think I'd fall for something so prosaic(平凡的,乏味的)?

    Kara: I'm wearing a Truth Seeker, and I think your obsession(困扰) with me outweighs(重要于) your desire to kill half the world.

    I surrender.

    Name the place, and bring a way to disable satellites.

    Lex: Any place?

    Kara: As long as no civilians(市民) get hurt.

    Lex: The Fortress. One hour. I hear it's beautiful this time of year.

    Kara: I'll send you the coordinates.

    Lex Mother: You aren't actually considering going to the Fortress, are you?

    Lex: Of course,

    Lex Mother: it's a trap.

    Lex: Ah, no. I'm taking advantage of an opportunity.

    Supergirl hasn't seen new, improved me in action yet. I will destroy her.

    Lex Mother: And while you're doing that, her friends will be busy undoing all your hard work.

    Lex: With Supergirl out of the way, her friends will be easy targets.

    And even if they're successful, at stopping my satellites,

    I'm a god, Mother. I'll have plenty of time to fix what they mess up.

    Lex: Oh, uh...

    and *silver lining*... 一线希望

    if Supergirl's friends *go behind my back* and take down my satellites,

    you don't have to worry about Lena.

    You see...

    it is time to celebrate.

    ----- New Words -----

    might n. 强大力量,威力,势力

    Low-hanging fruit 举手之劳的事情,容易实现的目标,可轻易实现的目标

    brainwash 洗脑

    string n. 线,弦,细绳

    trap 陷阱

    outwit  vt. 瞒骗;以智取胜

    razzle  /ˈræzl/ n. 旋转木马;喧闹

    dazzle  /ˈdæzl/  v. (强光等)使目眩;(美貌、技能等)使倾倒;使眼花缭乱  n. 耀眼炫目;令人眼花缭乱的东西(或特性);耀眼的光;灿烂,绚烂

    immortality  n. 不朽;不朽的声名;不灭

    fall for 迷恋;信以为真

    prosaic /prəˈzeɪɪk/ adj. 平凡的,乏味的;

    obsession /əbˈseʃn/ n. 痴迷;困扰;[内科][心理] 强迫观念

    outweigh vt. 比……重要;比……有价值

    civilian /səˈvɪliən/  市民

    Fortress /ˈfɔːtrəs/  n. 堡垒;要塞 vt. 筑要塞;以要塞防守

    mess up 搞糟

    silver lining 一线希望

    go behind someone's back 在某人背后搞鬼

    ----Supergirl s6e1



          本文标题:常精进English D3 Supergril Negotiat
