期刊:Arch Gen Psychiatry(top
[Background]:Typically developing infants show preferential attention to social rather than inanimate stimuli, and they also prefer to focus on the more socially revealing features of the face ,such as the eyes rather than the mouth; in contrast, individuals with ASD seem to lack these early social predispositions.
The resultant videotape can then be coded for patterns of visual fixation that can be measured in terms of percentage of viewing time spent on different aspects of the social scenes.
1. the relative salience of major components of the viewed scenes。图像分区:mouth, eye, body, and object regions
2. the relationship between patterns of visual fixation and outcome measures of social competence。评价标准: level of real life social adjustment (as defined by scores on the socialization domain of the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, Expanded Edition [VABS-E]21) and in terms of degree of autistic social symptoms (as defined by the social domain of the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule [ADOS]22)
智力水平测试:Intellectual level was measured using the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children or the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale.
All 15 participants with autism were cognitively able and yet severely impaired in their social functioning, as measured using the VABS-E19: a discrepancy of more than 3.5 SD was obtained between their verbal IQ and standard scores on the socialization domain of the VABS-E
实验者匹配: chronological age and verbal IQ (rather than full-scale IQ)
视频材料:"Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf"
每段视频时长:30 to 60 seconds depending on the content and duration of each
chosen scene.(间隔五秒白屏
设备: dark pupil-corneal reflection video-oculography technique and hardware and software (accuracy within ±0.3° over a ±20°horizontal and vertical range)
60 samples per sec
实验过程:Participants sat in a comfortable armchair, 63.5 cm from a 48.3-cm computer screen mounted flush within a black wooden panel. The eye-tracking baseball cap was adjusted for participant comfort and clarity of view, and a brief calibration routine followed (consisting of having each participant look at a series of 5 points). Lights in the room were dimmed so that only images displayed on the screen could be easily seen, and the audio component was played through a set of concealed speakers. Data recording began after each participant reported an adequate level of comfort, an unobstructed view of the screen, and a clearly audible soundtrack.
可靠性评估:Kappa coefficients29 and percentages of agreement were calculated to assess interrater reliability, with of 0.82 and agreement of 87.2%, indicating “excellent agreement.
若在边界上,则评估前3帧,后3帧及该帧,根据7帧区域进行编码=》为了避免这种情况:only those shots in which the on-screen dimensions of the character’s head were greater than or equal to 5° of the participant’s field of view could be coded
数据处理: Blinks were defined by a loss of point-of-regard coordinate data
T tests with Bonferroni corrections for number of between-group comparisons
Pearson correlations were used to explore the degree of the relationship between fixation patterns and the 2 measures of social competence
In other words, our findings could be related to the over reliance of individuals with autism on the literal aspects of speech at the expense of intonational cues associated with social meaning.
although the measures reported in this study were informative, they are unlikely to be the most sensitive indicators of abnormalities in social visual pursuit in autism.