打卡 第五天,kindle的阅读进度是952/29553(四本),
1. indigent
意思是poor enough to need help from others
2. “State and city budgets had been in the red since 1930”
in the red 应该是deficit,
3. “there was “a more or less national moratorium on rents, insofar as the unemployed are concerned.”
这是一位哈佛商学院向工业委员会解释的一句话“在考虑失业的情况下,或多或少都有国家有延期或暂停租金的情况. moratorium=suspension of an ongoing activity或者a legally authorized postponement before some obligation must be discharged终止或者延期两个意思。insofar 在什么情况下。
4. “West Virginia hospitals refused to admit patients unless payment for services was guaranteed”
admit 这个词除了承认意外,还有allow to enter的意思。
5. “I have seen thousands of these defeated, discouraged, hopeless men and women, cringing and fawning as they come to ask for public aid.”
好多生词,Toledo市长说的一句话,defeated:disappointingly unsuccessful,cringing:totally submissive,fawning:attempting to win favor by flattery。我不是很理解这两个词在句子的意思。
6. “By 1932, a third of a million children were out of school because of lack of funds”
人数:3/million, 缺乏资金。
7. “the New York City Health Department reported that over 20 percent of the pupils in the public schools were suffering from malnutrition”
8. “In adversity Americans have always looked for scapegoats”
in adversity 生词:逆境中。scapegoat 替罪羊