
作者: 喜悦88 | 来源:发表于2019-09-22 10:37 被阅读0次

9.22 DAY43

1. Watch for the traffic lights. 要看红绿灯。

2. Make sure you walk when the light is green. 确定是绿灯时,你才能走。

3.Don't run.Walk slowly. 不要跑,慢慢走。

4. Don't ever follow strangers. 绝对不可以跟陌生人走。

5. Don't go down the narrow back street. 不可以走到狭窄的巷子。

9.23 Day44

1. It's time to clean up. 该是打扫的时间了。

2. Can you help Mommy ? 你能帮妈妈吗?

3.Will you try to use the vacuum? 你想用吸尘器吗?

4. Try it. It's fun. 试试看,这很好玩喔。

5. I want to try, Mommy! 妈咪,我想试试看。

9.24 Day 45

1. Open the window and let the fresh air in. 打开窗户让新鲜工期近来。

2. Can you move a little bit? 你能把这个搬开一点吗?

3. Can you move your toys so I can vacuum?你能一开你的玩具,让我用一下吸尘器吗?

4.You need to move the stuff on the floor. 你必须把地板上的东西移开。

5. Let's tidy up the shoes. 让我们把鞋子放整齐。

9.24 Day45

1. Want to take a little break? 你要休息一下吗?

2.It's clean after we clean up. 打扫后,觉得好干净。

3.We finished early because of you, my darling.亲爱的,幸好有你帮忙,打扫提前结束了。

4.You're grown up helping Mommy clean thehouse. 你长大了,可以帮妈妈打扫房子了

5. Aren't you tired? 你不累吗?

9.25 Day 46

1. Let's wipe the floor. 我们来擦地板吧。

2. I'm going to sweep the floor today. 今天我要扫地。

3. We're going to wipe the room with a rag. 我们要用抹布擦房间。

4. I wipe after sweeping. 先扫之后再擦。

5. Can you help me clean the room? 你能帮我打扫房间吗?

9.26 Day 47

1. Can you get me the rag? 你能帮我拿抹布吗?

2. Turn it over and clean the floor. 把抹布翻过来,然后清洁地板。

3.Ugh, the rag's too dirty. 哎呀,这抹布好脏哦。

4. We need to wash the rag. 我们要洗一下抹布。

5. Clean everywhere and make everything nice and neat. 打扫每个地方,并让每个东西都干净整洁。

9.27 DAY48

1. The toys on the floor are a mess. 地板上的玩具很凌乱。

2. Who made such a mess. 是谁弄得这么乱的?

3. Why is there such a mess. 为什么这么乱?

4. You should clean up after you play. 玩完之后,你应该整理的。

5. What should you do with your toys when you finish playing with them? 当你不玩时,你应该对你的玩具做什么呢?

9.28 day49

1. Go put away your toys so Mommy can clean up

the room. 去整理你的玩具,妈妈要打扫房间。

2. I'll clean up after a little while. 我等一下会整理。

3.I don't want to clean it up. Just leave there,please.我不想整理,就这样放着吧。拜托啦。

4.Can you clean up by yourself? 你能自己整理吗?

5. Pick up the blocks and the other toys. 收拾积木和其他玩具。

9.29 Day50 

1. You should put the books on the shelves. 你应该把书放在书架上。

2.Put it in the toy box. 把那个放在玩具箱内。

3. Put it back where it was. 把那个放回原位。

4. Where should the toys go? 这些玩具应该放哪里呢?

5. You should put away your own toys. 你应该收拾自己的玩具。

9.30 Day51 

1. Wow! You cleaned up so nicely. 哇!你收拾得好好哦。

2. You deserve a sticker for cleaning up.因为你都收拾好了,你应该得到一个贴


3. Mommy feels so happy because you're helping me.


4. The toys want to go back to their home. 这些玩具想回到它们的家。

5. Can I get rid of this since it's still on the floor ?还在地板上的这个玩具,我可以丢掉吗?

10.1 day52

1. When are we going to clean up all of this? 我们什么时候把这些都收拾干净?

2. Should we give away the toys to other babies now? 现在我可以把这个玩具给其他小朋友吗?

3. Don't give them away. I'll clean them up. 不要把它们送走,我会收拾的。

4. Please clean up your room. 请把房间清干净。

5. Please clean off your desk. 请把书桌清干净。

10.2 day53

1. The bookshelves are all messed up. 书架已经乱得不像样了。

2. Please empty the trash can. 请把垃圾桶清空。

3. Your bed is so messy. 你的床太脏乱了。

4. I want to clean up my desk by myself. 我要自己清我的书桌。

5.It is so messy that I can't clean it by myself. 这太脏乱了,我一个人没办法打扫。

10.3 Day54

1. I won't mess it up the next time. 下次,我不会再弄得这样脏乱了。

2. Mommy is doing the dishes. 妈妈在洗碗。

3.There are a lot of dishes today. 今天又很多碗要洗。

4.Can you clear the table? 你能清理餐桌吗?

5. Can you wipe the table? 你能帮我擦餐桌吗?

10.4 Day55

1. Put the dishes in the sink. 把碗盘放在洗碗槽内。

2. Please put away the dishes you used. 请把你自己用的碗拿走。

3.Can you help me do the dishes? 你能帮我洗碗吗?

4. Who will do the dishes today? 今天谁要洗碗呢?

5. I want to try doing the dishes. 我想试试洗碗。

10.5 Day56

1. Where is the sponge / liquid soap ? 海绵/洗碗精在哪里?

2. Let me do the dishes from now on. 以后,碗都由我来洗。

3.You're a big boy/girl now helping me do the dishes. 现在你能帮我洗碗,真的长大了。

4.You can do that when you are older. 等你再大一点后,再做吧。

5. Put on the rubber gloves and put the liquid soap on the sponge.戴上橡胶手套,再把洗碗精挤在海绵上

10.6 Day6 

1. Wash the dishes carefully so they will not break. 要小心洗碗,不要把碗打破了。

2.Wash them carefully so there is no residue left. 仔细清洗,不要留下食物残渣

3. Turn off the water. 要把水龙头关好。

4. There is still some soap on it. It's slippery. 上面还有些泡泡,很滑喔。

5.Dry the plates with a dish towel. 用洗碗的毛巾把盘子擦干。


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