Chapter 7

作者: miss_mushroom | 来源:发表于2017-06-10 10:21 被阅读0次


Nath, watching his sister's eyes blink and redden, felt a twinge of pity cut through his anger.

twinge: a sudden sharp feeling, a sharp stab of pain.

仿句: WIth all having said and done, she felt a twinge of sadness, and guilt too.


In nine months, he would be gone, and that knowledge took the sting out of all that had happened.

sting: the upsetting or bad effect of a situation.

take the sting out of: make something less unpleasant or painful.

仿句: A squeeze on my shoulder took the sting out of her words.


After three comfortless days, she was not ready to forgive him yet, but the gesture warmed her, like a gulp of tea on a cold winter day.

gulp: a large amount of something that you swallow quickly, or the action of swallowing.

仿句: She rushed out of the cabin  and gulped in the the fresh air in the countryside. 


Lydia felt her heart in her chest like a pellet of rice, sliding down out of reach. 'I have friends, Daddy,' she said, though she knew this was a lie.

pellet: a small ball of a substance.

仿句: He fed his cat fish pellets every day.

Lydia过生日,妈妈送的礼物是一本巨大的人体解剖书,爸爸给的也是书:关于如何开展人际交往。看到这里,简直想要对Lydia的父母大喊一声:give her a break!

He made a mental note to come up with something better for her next gift.

make a mental note: to make a special effort to remember something.

仿句: She made a mental note not to riffle through his stuff again.

爸爸的心思是偏女性化的,I guess it would be another boring book, huh?

Before Nath could snap the photo, she dropped her gaze back to the book, hair curtaining her face.... Dogs, Lydia thought. She tried to picture herself as a dog, something docile and friendly, a golden retriever with a black smile and a fringy tail, but she did not feel friendly and purebred and blond. She felt unsociable and suspicious, like the Wolffs' dog down the street, a mutt, braced for hostility.

braced for: to mentally or physically prepare yourself or someone else for something unpleasant that is going to happen.

仿句: He has a bit of hostility in his character, always bracing for an argument.


She hadn't realized it was so obvious, and a hot flush flared in her cheeks and trickled down her neck. Beneath her, the seat creaked and a spring prodded her thigh, like a knuckle. 

flare: to suddenly begin to burn, or to burn more brightly for a short time.

仿句: Tensions flared across the town.

trickle: if liquid trickles somewhere, it flows slowly in drops or in a thin stream.

仿句: Tears trickled down her face. 

在Jack面前,Lydia 红了脸,身体不会说谎,自己分明变得高度紧张,感管敏锐异常,座椅下的弹簧也开始绷紧,发出了一阵声响。


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