What kind of people will not suc

What kind of people will not suc

作者: Quora文选 | 来源:发表于2018-09-04 14:37 被阅读2次

    What kind of people will not succeed in life?

    Hector Quintanilla, Founder at DigitalAgeEducation.com
    Answered Sat

    37k Views · 3.4k Upvotes

    Are you a shark?

    Do you like to consumeall kinds of little fish?

    Maybe you are atough sharkthat eatseverythingthat comes your way:

    New gadget?Eat!

    New video game?Eat!

    New movie?Eat!

    New restaurant?Eat!


    You are atoughshark!

    You most definitely feel you are at the top of the food chain… Don 't you?

    Sorry “Mr. Shark,” BAD NEWS! You will NOT succeed in life!


    Because in this life producers win.

    Consumers are just another victim of the “value” food chain.

    Now, to answer you question: What kind of people will NOT succeed in life?

    It’s an easy formula. Do your own math:

    What areyouproducing?

    What areyouconsuming?

    Success = Producing > Consuming



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